
does not work on arm drone build agents

cyberb opened this issue · 8 comments

Should this work on arm agent?

root@odroid-xu3and4:~# docker run --rm \
>   -e PLUGIN_REBUILD=true \
>   -e PLUGIN_MOUNT="./node_modules" \
>   -e DRONE_REPO_OWNER="foo" \
>   -e DRONE_REPO_NAME="bar" \
>   -v $(pwd):$(pwd) \
>   -v /tmp/cache:/cache \
>   -w $(pwd) \
>   drillster/drone-volume-cache
standard_init_linux.go:190: exec user process caused "exec format error"
root@odroid-xu3and4:~# docker image inspect drillster/drone-volume-cache | grep Arch
        "Architecture": "amd64",

@cyberb I was able to get this working on arm by doing the following:

  • checkout this repo
  • change the Dockerfile to be FROM alpine:3.12
  • build a new image: docker build --rm=true -t karlwithak:drone-volume-cache-v1 .
  • reference that image from your drone.yml file: image: karlwithak:drone-volume-cache-v1 (or whatever you name the tag)

under arm64 drone will don't build stages. You have several ways:

  1. specify arch in .drone.yml https://github.com/drone-runners/drone-runner-docker/blob/master/.drone.yml#L5-L7

  2. build local version drone -) https://github.com/harness/drone/blob/master/trigger/trigger.go#L412-L413

  3. use drocopla https://github.com/dopos/drocopla

P.S. drocopla included in dcape from 2.1.1 -)

  1. specify arch in .drone.yml
    But that is what I am doing and this is how found out that on arm it does not work.

This docker run above was on arm box.
Are you saying arm is not supported but arm64 is?
I must say I am not using this plugin at the moment so maybe it is all good now.
Feel free to close.

Are you saying arm is not supported but arm64 is?

I'm say: drone will does not build your stage under non amd64 platform with undefined section platfom.
The reason in link2 (trigger.go hardcoded default stage platform is amd64 %-) )

For workaround this "feature" I rebuild drone container with changed trigger.go L412-L413. And my friend wrote drocopla for more flexible fix this bug of logic and possible anothers in the feature over changing drone config on the fly bu plugin.

Here does not matter: which platform runs your drone - In case non amd64 - you welcome to our community "mouses eat cactus"

sorry you are saying undefined section platfom but we always set it, like here:

or you mean something else?

I don't mean anything except this drone behaviour: https://github.com/harness/drone/blob/master/trigger/trigger.go#L412-L413