
Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Sorus take inspiration from Play Monadic Action to extends the DSL outside of Actions. It provides some syntactic sugar that allows boilerplate-free combination of "classical" type such as Future[Option[A]], Future[Either[A, B]], Future[A] using for-comprehensions. It also provide a simple and powerful way to handle error via Fail

This article explain in greater detail the problem that this project addresses, and how to use the solution in your own projects.


Using sbt :

Current version is 1.2.5

libraryDependencies += "com.github.driox" %% "sorus" % "1.2.5"

or in your build.sbt

lazy val sorus = RootProject(file("../sorus"))

lazy val root = (project in file(".")).enablePlugins(PlayScala)


The DSL adds the ?| operator to most of the types one could normally encounter (such as Future[A], Future[Option[A]], Either[B,A], Future[Fail / A], etc...). The ?| operator will transform the "error" part of the type to Fail (ie. None for Option, Left for Either, etc...) returning an EitherT[Future, Fail, A] (which is aliased to Step[A] for convenience) It enables the writing of the whole action as a single for-comprehension. Implicit convertion allows us to retrive a Future[Fail / A] as a result of the for-comprehension

package exemples

import helpers._
import helpers.SorusDSL._
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scalaz._

class BasicExemple extends Sorus {

  // Sample User class
  case class User(id:Option[Long], email:String, validate:Boolean)

  def doSomething(): Future[Fail\/User] = {
    for {
      user <- loadUser(12L)       ?| "Error while loading user"     // <- you don't create Fail yoursefl but the ?| operator do it for you
      _    <- user.validate       ?| "Account need to be validated"
      _    <- logUserAction(user) ?| ()                             // <- You can just forward underlying Fail without adding a message
    } yield {

  private def loadUser(id:Long):Future[Option[User]] = {
    // Load it from DB / API / Services ...
    Future.successful(Some(User(Some(id), "foo@bar.com", false)))

  private def logUserAction(user:User):Future[Fail\/Unit] = {
    for {
      id <- user.id ?| "Can't log action of user wihtout id"
    } yield {
      println(s"user $id access the resource")

Fail will accumulate error and if you compose multiple Fails. It has convenient method to retrive informations about the error :

val lastErrorMessage:String = fail.message

val exception:Option[Throwable] = fail.getRootException()

val allMessagesInOneString:String = fail.userMessage()