
Wrapper for the PIKA for asyncio and humans.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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A wrapper around aiormq for asyncio and humans.

Check out the examples and the tutorial in the documentation.

If you are a newcomer to RabbitMQ, please start with the adopted official RabbitMQ tutorial.


Since version 5.0.0 this library doesn't use pika as AMQP connector. Versions below 5.0.0 contains or requires pika's source code.


The version 7.0.0 has breaking API changes, see CHANGELOG.md for migration hints.


  • Completely asynchronous API.
  • Object oriented API.
  • Transparent auto-reconnects with complete state recovery with connect_robust (e.g. declared queues or exchanges, consuming state and bindings).
  • Python 3.6+ compatible.
  • For python 3.5 users available aio-pika<7
  • Transparent publisher confirms support
  • Transactions support
  • Completely type-hints coverage.


pip install aio-pika

Usage example

Simple consumer:

import asyncio
import aio_pika
import aio_pika.abc

async def main(loop):
    connection = await aio_pika.connect_robust(
        "amqp://guest:guest@", loop=loop

    async with connection:
        queue_name = "test_queue"

        # Creating channel
        channel: aio_pika.abc.AbstractChannel = await connection.channel()

        # Declaring queue
        queue: aio_pika.abc.AbstractQueue = await channel.declare_queue(

        async with queue.iterator() as queue_iter:
            # Cancel consuming after __aexit__
            async for message in queue_iter:
                async with message.process():

                    if queue.name in message.body.decode():

if __name__ == "__main__":
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Simple publisher:

import asyncio
import aio_pika
import aio_pika.abc

async def main(loop):
    # Explicit type annotation
    connection: aio_pika.RobustConnection = await aio_pika.connect_robust(
        "amqp://guest:guest@", loop=loop

    routing_key = "test_queue"

    channel: aio_pika.abc.AbstractChannel = await connection.channel()

    await channel.default_exchange.publish(
            body='Hello {}'.format(routing_key).encode()

    await connection.close()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Get single message example:

import asyncio
from aio_pika import connect_robust, Message

async def main(loop):
    connection = await connect_robust(

    queue_name = "test_queue"
    routing_key = "test_queue"

    # Creating channel
    channel = await connection.channel()

    # Declaring exchange
    exchange = await channel.declare_exchange('direct', auto_delete=True)

    # Declaring queue
    queue = await channel.declare_queue(queue_name, auto_delete=True)

    # Binding queue
    await queue.bind(exchange, routing_key)

    await exchange.publish(
            bytes('Hello', 'utf-8'),
            headers={'foo': 'bar'}

    # Receiving message
    incoming_message = await queue.get(timeout=5)

    # Confirm message
    await incoming_message.ack()

    await queue.unbind(exchange, routing_key)
    await queue.delete()
    await connection.close()

if __name__ == "__main__":
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

There are more examples and the RabbitMQ tutorial in the documentation.


This software follows Semantic Versioning

For contributors

Setting up development environment

Clone the project:

git clone https://github.com/mosquito/aio-pika.git
cd aio-pika

Create a new virtualenv for aio-pika:

python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

Install all requirements for aio-pika:

pip install -e '.[develop]'

Running Tests

NOTE: In order to run the tests locally you need to run a RabbitMQ instance with default user/password (guest/guest) and port (5672).

  • ProTip: Use Docker for this:
docker run -d -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-management

To test just run:

make test

Editing Documentation

To iterate quickly on the documentation live in your browser, try:

nox -s docs -- serve

Creating Pull Requests

Please feel free to create pull requests, but you should describe your use cases and add some examples.

Changes should follow a few simple rules:

  • When your changes break the public API, you must increase the major version.
  • When your changes are safe for public API (e.g. added an argument with default value)
  • You have to add test cases (see tests/ folder)
  • You must add docstrings
  • Feel free to add yourself to "thank's to" section