MOM solver for electrically large peoblems
The "mkl.h" is the header file of Intel's Math Kernel Library, while the MKL library is distributed with Intel's C++/FORTRAN compilers. The library can also be obtained with a community license, but I reckon that the linking against non-intel compilers can be very complicated. The Eigen library has its own implementation of linear algebra algorithms, however, when certain macros are defined, the library will use the BLAS/LAPACK or MKL versions of those algorithms instead, because they are generally more efficient. The official document of Eigen explained its usage. Nevertheless, you can use EIgen's own implementation by deleting all the related macros.
The MOM code uses meshes generated by the Gmsh software, the program will read in the mesh file and then parse the triangle pairs from the mesh. The computation of impedance is very complex and is roughly the core part of this code. And next, the corresponding linear system will be solved. Finally, you can compute every parameter you like using the current distribution. If you want to test, I suggest you replace the conical_array.msh with something smaller generated by Gmsh, since it is a very large problem and it may take days to solve it even using a workstation. In addition, you must specify the indexes of a pair of triangle used for excitation by making the feed gap the only segment element in the mesh when processing radiation problems. You can refer to the documentation of Gmsh for details about its usage.
Sorry for the crudeness of this code because I wrote it primarily for my own use in the laboratory, so you must tweak it a bit to make the program work.