- 2
HELP: Error 'ICompleteBuilder<IFluentQueryBuilder, SqlBuilder, IDapperSqlCommand>' does not contain a definition for 'Query'
#66 opened by tharlab - 17
Major Rewrite (v2.x)
#61 opened by Drizin - 1
[Question] Pass const to the QueryBuilder
#60 opened by YevheniiDomnich - 2
- 2
Temp table not exists
#54 opened by Broderick890 - 2
- 1
Bulk insert list of objects
#50 opened by h3rkO - 1
Automatic reuse of duplicated parameters
#51 opened by aleksei-oecd - 4
- 2
[MySQL] How to pass LIMIT and OFFSET?
#48 opened by zamsler98 - 1
[comment/kudos] this is amazing.
#47 opened by jeremysimmons - 9
Array expansion
#44 opened by smddzcy - 8
In statement formatting
#45 opened by tomatualus - 2
- 1
Missing parentheses in example
#38 opened by miroslavp - 8
- 1
Support for MySql, Sqlite , and Oracle
#33 opened by aboah - 2
Unit Testing for IFromBuilder
#37 opened by bhanu7755 - 2
PascalCase for a table name?
#34 opened by dbjina - 3
Pass Column Names
#36 opened by MarkBQE - 1
Can't call QueryBuilder
#35 opened by phromaj - 1
Multimapping support
#32 opened by marcosvitali - 13
- 7
DapperQueryBuilderOptions.AutoGeneratedParameterPrefix is not used consistently
#25 opened by waxingsatirical - 2
Dynamic column names
#30 opened by Zulu-Inuoe - 14
AppendLine doesn't appear to be working
#7 opened by terryaney - 2
#29 opened by davidbuckleyni - 3
Performance issue
#26 opened by Lev1t - 1
- 3
- 1
No need for FormattableString in OrderBy
#21 opened by natilivni - 1
Feature: Editor Config
#12 opened by terryaney - 1
- 12
Append breaks queries
#19 opened by Risord - 3
Duplicate Parameters
#6 opened by terryaney - 1
- 1
Use QueryBuilder Multiple Times
#5 opened by terryaney - 2
Dapper Multi Mapping
#3 opened by tundebabzy - 2
How to add MySQL dynamic LIMIT clause?
#1 opened by Drizin