
DelishAI---Personalized-Recipe-GuruThis repository is a comprehensive collection of files and resources aimed at revolutionizing the culinary world with the power of AI. DelishAI serves as your very own personalized recipe guru, utilizing state-of-the-art artificial intelligence algorithms to generate exciting new culinary ideas, assist in cooking

Primary LanguagePython

AI-Powered Personalized Recipe Recommendation System

The AI-Powered Personalized Recipe Recommendation System is an autonomous Python program designed to provide personalized recipe recommendations to users based on their dietary preferences, restrictions, and ingredient availability. The system utilizes web scraping techniques with the help of tools like BeautifulSoup and Google Python to dynamically gather recipe data from various cooking websites. It operates entirely without local files on the user's PC and can find or download everything it needs from the web.

Key Features

  1. User Input and Preferences

    • Utilize a command-line interface or a web interface for users to enter their dietary preferences, restrictions, and available ingredients.
    • Collect information such as preferred cuisine, cooking time, calorie count, allergies, and ingredient availability.
    • Employ Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to understand and process user input accurately.
  2. Web Scraping and Data Collection

    • Use the requests library to perform search queries and retrieve URLs of recipe websites based on user preferences.
    • Utilize BeautifulSoup to scrape data from recipe websites, extracting relevant information such as recipe names, ingredients, preparation steps, and cooking time.
    • Implement Google Python search queries to dynamically find and scrape additional recipe websites as needed, without hardcoding any URLs.
  3. Recipe Recommendation Algorithm

    • Implement a machine learning algorithm to analyze the collected recipe data and generate personalized recommendations for the user.
    • Utilize HuggingFace small models for natural language understanding and sentiment analysis to assess the quality and relevance of recipes.
    • Consider user preferences, ingredient availability, and dietary restrictions to filter and rank the recommended recipes.
  4. Recipe Generation and Presentation

    • Automatically generate recipe cards or printable recipe documents for each recommendation, including necessary ingredients, preparation steps, and cooking time.
    • Enhance the recipe cards with visually appealing graphics and additional information such as nutritional facts and serving suggestions.
    • Present the recommendations to the user through a user-friendly interface, providing options to explore further details or generate new recommendations.
  5. Continuous Learning and Improvement

    • Utilize user feedback and interactions with the system to continuously improve the recommendation algorithm.
    • Implement automated data collection techniques to gather information on new recipes, trending ingredients, and popular cooking techniques.
    • Apply machine learning techniques to adapt the recommendation system based on user behavior, preferences, and changing culinary trends.

Note: It is important to ensure that appropriate usage rights and permissions are respected while scraping data from recipe websites. Additionally, the system should comply with all legal and ethical guidelines related to data privacy and protection.

Project Usage

To use the AI-Powered Personalized Recipe Recommendation System, follow these steps:

  1. Install the necessary dependencies:

    pip install requests
    pip install beautifulsoup4
    pip install tkinter
  2. Import the required libraries in your Python file:

    import requests
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
    import tkinter as tk
    from tkinter import messagebox
  3. Copy the provided code for the Recipe and RecipeRecommendationSystem classes into your Python file.

  4. Create an instance of the RecipeRecommendationSystem class:

    recipe_system = RecipeRecommendationSystem()
  5. Start the recommendation system by calling the start() method:

  6. Follow the prompts to enter your name, preferred cuisine, cooking time, calorie count, allergies, and available ingredients.

  7. The program will then search for recipes based on your preferences and present the personalized recommendations to you.

Business Plan

The AI-Powered Personalized Recipe Recommendation System has the potential to solve a common problem faced by individuals who struggle to find suitable recipes that align with their dietary preferences, restrictions, and ingredient availability. By leveraging artificial intelligence and web scraping techniques, this system aims to provide an efficient and personalized solution to users.

Target Audience

The target audience for this project includes individuals who:

  • Have specific dietary preferences or restrictions.
  • Want to explore new recipes that meet their preferences.
  • Need assistance in utilizing the available ingredients to prepare a meal.
  • Desire a user-friendly interface for recipe recommendations.

Revenue Generation

The AI-Powered Personalized Recipe Recommendation System can generate revenue through the following channels:

  1. Advertisements: Display targeted advertisements within the user interface. Advertisers can promote cooking-related products, ingredients, or kitchen appliances.

  2. Paid Subscriptions: Offer premium features, such as access to exclusive recipes, advanced search filters, and personalized meal plans, through a paid subscription model.

  3. Affiliate Marketing: Partner with online grocery stores or cooking utensil manufacturers to earn commissions on referred purchases made by users.

Marketing and Promotion

To reach the target audience, the following marketing and promotion strategies can be implemented:

  1. Content Marketing: Create a blog or website to share cooking tips, recipe ideas, and articles related to health and nutrition. Optimize the content for search engines to attract organic traffic.

  2. Social Media Marketing: Utilize popular social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, to share visually appealing recipe recommendations, cooking videos, and kitchen hacks.

  3. Influencer Collaborations: Collaborate with food bloggers, chefs, or nutritionists to promote the AI-Powered Personalized Recipe Recommendation System through their online platforms, reaching a wider audience.

  4. Email Marketing: Build an email subscriber list and engage with users by sending newsletters, recipe suggestions, and exclusive discounts for premium features.

  5. Referral Program: Encourage users to refer the system to friends and family by providing incentives, such as additional recommended recipes, exclusive discounts, or free access to premium features.

The Team of God Fathers AI

The AI-Powered Personalized Recipe Recommendation System was generated and refined by The Team of God Fathers AI. We are a group of highly skilled AI specialists and software developers dedicated to creating innovative and intelligent solutions. If you have any questions, feedback, or collaboration opportunities, please feel free to contact us at drlordbasil@hgmail.com.