
Primary LanguageSmali

Swype Black Edition

WIP modding of the last known Swype release with features such as:

  • Larger UI scaling in portrait mode (from 80 - 120% to 100 - 140%)
  • Pitch back "Material Dark" theme for AMOLED displays
  • Slightly larger fonts
  • Updated Emojis from Unicode
  • .. Maybe more in the future

Huge thanks to modders over at 4PDA, most of the mods were done by diffing the untouched APK against existing mods by 4PDA folks

How to build this mod?

  1. Install APKtool & Android SDK
  2. Build unsigned APK using apktool:
apktool b swype_last -o Swype_blacked.apk
  1. Zipalign Unsigned APK
  2. apksign the zipaligned apk.
    4.1. (optional) Use android release keys platform.pk8 and platform.x509.pem

Script I use for steps 3 and 4 sign_apk.sh Swype-blacked.apk:



if [ -z "$1" ]; then
        echo "usage: $0 your-app.apk"
        exit 1


# Debug mode
set -x

"$BUILD_TOOLS"/zipalign -p -v 4 "$OUT" "$OUT_ALIGNED"

# Verify
"$BUILD_TOOLS"/zipalign -vc 4 "$OUT_ALIGNED"

# Sign
"$BUILD_TOOLS"/apksigner sign --key platform.pk8 --cert platform.x509.pem --out "$OUT_SIGNED" "$OUT_ALIGNED"
#"$BUILD_TOOLS"/apksigner sign -ks ~/my-release-key.keystore --out "$OUT_SIGNED" "$OUT_ALIGNED"

# Cleanup
rm -fv "$OUT_ALIGNED"

echo == Done: $OUT_ALIGNED

Some commands for reference:

grep '; fully-qualified' emoji-test-5.0.txt | awk -F ';' '{print $1}' | sort

Installing custom themes - Needs ROOT

Credit: 4PDA post

Enter adb shell as root / termux root shell

  • Find the UID and GID of the swype app and note it down:
    ls -al /data/data/com.nuance.swype.dtc
  • Extract all the files from the com.nuance.swype.dtc_themes.txz release into the above path
  • Set the correct ownership:
chown $UID:$GID -hR /data/data/com.nuance.swype.dtc/files /data/data/com.nuance.swype.dtc/shared_prefs
  • Open /data/data/com.nuance.swype.dtc/shared_prefs/com.nuance.swype.dtc_preferences.xml
  • Insert all the lines of Inventory.txt in this file before a line that looks like: <string name="downloaded.theme">current theme name</string>
  • Edit current theme name with the Name of the theme, ex. nuance.theme.sand
  • Edit <string name="swype.theme">/data/user/0/com.nuance.swype.dtc/files/themes/name of the theme folder/name of the apk file.apk</string>
  • Kill and restart swype