
Error in Mat files

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>> load('/mnt/Drone-detection-dataset/Data/Video_IR/IR_AIRPLANE_001_LABELS.mat', 'gTruth') Warning: While loading an object of class 'groundTruth': Expected LabelData to be an array with number of rows equal to 321.

when I tried to load the mat file in matlab , it is showing the above error.

Also, as suggested from the data creation script.

>> Create_a_dataset_from_videos_and_labels
Warning: While loading an object of class 'groundTruth':
Expected LabelData to be an array with number of rows equal to 321. 
> In Create_a_dataset_from_videos_and_labels (line 17) 
Warning: While loading an object of class 'groundTruth':
Expected LabelData to be an array with number of rows equal to 309. 
> In Create_a_dataset_from_videos_and_labels (line 18) 
Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type.

Error in groundTruth/selectLabels (line 385)
            allLabelNames = this.LabelDefinitions.Name;

Error in groundTruth/selectLabels (line 380)
                    gTruth(n) = selectLabels(this(n), labels); %#ok<AGROW>

Error in Create_a_dataset_from_videos_and_labels (line 25)
gTruth = selectLabels(gTruth,{'AIRPLANE','BIRD','DRONE','HELICOPTER'});```

It is showing this error