JavaScript Coding Practice Problems 🚀

This repository contains a collection of JavaScript coding problems ranging from basic to advanced topics. Each problem is categorized by topic to help you practice and improve your JavaScript skills.

Table of Contents

  1. Basic JavaScript
  2. Arrays
  3. Strings
  4. Objects
  5. Functions
  6. ES6
  7. Algorithms
  8. Data Structures

Basic JavaScript

  1. Hello World
    Print "Hello, World!" to the console.

  2. Variables and Constants
    Declare variables of different types (string, number, boolean).
    Declare and initialize constants.

  3. Operators
    Perform basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).
    Use comparison operators (>, <, ===, !==).

  4. Control Structures
    Implement conditional statements (if-else, switch-case).
    Use loops (for, while) to iterate over arrays and objects.

  5. Functions
    Define a function that takes parameters and returns a value.
    Write functions with default parameters and rest parameters.

  6. Arrays
    Create arrays and perform operations like push, pop, shift, unshift.
    Iterate through arrays using for loops and forEach.

  7. Strings
    Concatenate two strings.
    Find the length of a string.
    Convert a string to uppercase or lowercase.

  8. Objects
    Create objects with properties and methods.
    Access object properties using dot notation and bracket notation.

  9. Scope and Hoisting
    Understand variable scope inside and outside functions.
    Recognize and explain function and variable hoisting.

  10. Type Conversion
    Convert between different data types (string to number, number to string).

  11. Error Handling
    Use try-catch blocks to handle exceptions.
    Throw custom errors with throw statements.

  12. DOM Manipulation
    Select and manipulate DOM elements using vanilla JavaScript.
    Handle events (click, mouseover, keypress) on DOM elements.

  13. Asynchronous JavaScript
    Use callbacks to handle asynchronous operations.
    Fetch data from an API using fetch() and handle responses.

  14. LocalStorage
    Store and retrieve data from the browser's localStorage.
    Use localStorage to persist user settings or data.

  15. Regular Expressions
    Create regular expressions to match patterns in strings.
    Use RegExp methods like test() and exec().

  16. Math Operations
    Perform mathematical operations (exponents, square roots).

  17. Date and Time
    Manipulate dates (formatting, adding days, calculating differences).

  18. Functional Programming
    Use higher-order functions (map, filter, reduce) to process data.

  19. ES5 vs ES6 Syntax
    Convert ES5 code to ES6 syntax and vice versa.

  20. Bitwise Operations
    Perform bitwise operations (AND, OR, XOR, shift).


  1. Array Operations
    Create an array and perform operations like push, pop, shift, unshift, etc.

  2. Array Iteration
    Write a function to iterate through an array and perform an operation on each element.

  3. Array Methods
    Use array methods such as map(), filter(), reduce(), and forEach().

  4. Sorting
    Implement sorting algorithms for arrays (bubble sort, merge sort, quick sort).

  5. Searching
    Implement searching algorithms for arrays (binary search, linear search).

  6. Multi-dimensional Arrays
    Manipulate and traverse multi-dimensional arrays.

  7. Array Slice and Splice
    Use slice() and splice() to manipulate arrays.

  8. Flatten an Array
    Flatten nested arrays into a single array.

  9. Array Comparison
    Compare two arrays and find common elements.

  10. Rotate an Array
    Rotate elements of an array to the left or right.

  11. Shuffle an Array
    Shuffle elements randomly in an array.

  12. Find Maximum and Minimum
    Find the maximum and minimum values in an array.

  13. Remove Duplicates
    Remove duplicate elements from an array.

  14. Array Concatenation
    Concatenate multiple arrays into one.

  15. Sparse Arrays
    Handle sparse arrays and their implications.

  16. Palindrome Array
    Check if an array is a palindrome.

  17. Chunk an Array
    Split an array into chunks of a specified size.

  18. Intersecting Arrays
    Find common elements between two arrays.

  19. Array Reverse
    Reverse the elements of an array in place.

  20. Insert Element at Index
    Insert an element at a specific index in an array.


  1. String Manipulation
    Concatenate two strings.
    Find the length of a string.
    Convert a string to uppercase or lowercase.

  2. Substring Operations
    Extract a substring from a string.
    Replace substrings within a string.

  3. Regular Expressions
    Use regular expressions to match patterns in strings.
    Validate email addresses or other input formats using regex.

  4. String Comparison
    Compare two strings for equality.

  5. String Palindrome
    Check if a string is a palindrome.

  6. String Reverse
    Reverse the characters of a string.

  7. Count Characters
    Count occurrences of each character in a string.

  8. Capitalize Words
    Capitalize the first letter of each word in a string.

  9. Trimming Whitespace
    Remove leading and trailing whitespace from a string.

  10. String Compression
    Compress a string by replacing consecutive characters with their counts.

  11. Anagrams
    Check if two strings are anagrams of each other.

  12. String Rotation
    Check if one string is a rotation of another string.

  13. Unicode Operations
    Handle Unicode characters in strings.

  14. Substring Search
    Implement substring search in a string.

  15. String Conversion
    Convert between different string formats (camelCase, snake_case, kebab-case).

  16. String Split and Join
    Split a string into an array of substrings and join them back.

  17. String Interpolation
    Use string interpolation to construct dynamic strings.

  18. String Permutations
    Generate all permutations of a string.

  19. Substring Frequency
    Count occurrences of a substring in a string.

  20. String Padding
    Pad a string to a specified length with another string.


  1. Object Creation
    Create an object with properties and methods.
    Define and access object properties.

  2. Object Manipulation
    Modify object properties.
    Iterate through object properties using loops or Object.keys().

  3. Object Oriented Programming
    Implement inheritance and polymorphism using prototypes or classes.
    Create constructor functions and instantiate objects.

  4. Object Comparison
    Compare two objects for equality.

  5. Object Serialization
    Serialize an object into JSON and deserialize JSON back into an object.

  6. Object Cloning
    Create a deep clone of an object.

  7. Object Composition
    Combine multiple objects into a single object.

  8. Object Iteration
    Iterate over object properties using loops.

  9. Object Freeze and Seal
    Use Object.freeze() and Object.seal() to control object mutability.

  10. Nested Objects
    Work with deeply nested objects and access nested properties.

  11. Object Property Deletion
    Delete properties from an object.

  12. Object Conversion
    Convert objects to primitive values using toString() and valueOf().

  13. Object Destructuring
    Use object destructuring to extract values into variables.

  14. Immutable Objects
    Implement immutability in objects.

  15. Object Merge
    Merge properties of two objects into a new object.

  16. Object Validation
    Validate object properties against a schema or rules.

  17. Object Polymorphism
    Implement polymorphic behavior using objects.

  18. Object Map
    Map values of an object to another format.

  19. Object Deep Comparison
    Compare nested objects deeply for equality.

  20. Object Properties
    Access and manipulate object properties dynamically.


  1. Function Basics
    Define a function that takes parameters and returns a value.
    Write functions with default parameters and rest parameters.

  2. Function Scope
    Understand variable scope inside and outside functions.
    Recognize and explain function and variable hoisting.

  3. Higher Order Functions
    Use higher-order functions like map(), filter(), reduce() to manipulate arrays.
    Implement functions that return other functions (closures).

  4. Recursion
    Write recursive functions to solve problems like factorial calculation or Fibonacci sequence generation.

  5. Callback Functions
    Use callback functions to handle asynchronous operations.

  6. Function Composition
    Compose functions together to create new functions.

  7. Currying
    Implement currying in functions.

  8. Memoization
    Cache function results for performance optimization.

  9. Function Bind
    Use Function.prototype.bind() to bind context to a function.

  10. Function Return Types
    Define and enforce return types for functions.

  11. Function Overloading
    Simulate function overloading in JavaScript.

  12. Partial Application
    Implement partial application of functions.

  13. Anonymous Functions
    Use anonymous functions for one-time use.

  14. IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)
    Use IIFE to create local scopes and avoid polluting the global namespace.

  15. Async Functions
    Define and use async functions with async/await.

  16. Generator Functions
    Use generator functions to control iterative flows.

  17. Function Timing
    Measure execution time of functions.

  18. Error Handling in Functions
    Handle errors gracefully within functions.

  19. Function Parameters Validation
    Validate function parameters before execution.

  20. Function Memoization
    Implement memoization to optimize recursive functions.


  1. Arrow Functions
    Convert traditional functions to arrow functions.
    Use arrow functions with implicit and explicit return.

  2. Template Literals
    Use template literals for string interpolation.
    Multiline strings with template literals.

  3. Let and Const
    Understand block scoping with let and const.
    Use const for constants that should not be reassigned.

  4. Destructuring
    Destructure arrays and objects to extract values into variables.
    Use destructuring in function parameters and for variable assignment.

  5. Modules
    Import and export modules using ES6 syntax (import/export).
    Create and use modules to organize code into reusable components.

  6. Classes
    Define classes and create instances using constructor and methods.
    Implement inheritance using extends and super keywords.

  7. Promises
    Use Promises for asynchronous operations.
    Chain promises using then() and handle errors with catch().

  8. Async/Await
    Simplify asynchronous code using async functions and await keyword.

  9. Rest and Spread Operators
    Use rest parameters and spread operator for function arguments and array/object manipulation.

  10. Set and Map
    Use Set and Map data structures for unique collections and key-value mappings.

  11. Symbols
    Define and use symbols as unique object keys.

  12. Generators
    Use generators to control iterative flows.

  13. Proxy Objects
    Create and use Proxy objects for meta-programming.

  14. Default Parameters
    Define default values for function parameters.

  15. Computed Property Names
    Use computed property names in objects.

  16. Array Destructuring
    Destructure arrays into individual variables.

  17. Object Destructuring
    Destructure objects into individual variables.

  18. Promise.all and Promise.race
    Use Promise.all() and Promise.race() for handling multiple promises.

  19. Optional Chaining
    Safely access nested properties with optional chaining (?. operator).

  20. Nullish Coalescing Operator
    Use nullish coalescing operator (??) to provide default values for null or undefined.


  1. Sorting Algorithms
    Implement various sorting algorithms (bubble sort, merge sort, quick sort).

  2. Searching Algorithms
    Implement searching algorithms (binary search, linear search).

  3. Graph Algorithms
    Implement graph traversal algorithms (DFS, BFS).
    Solve problems involving shortest path algorithms (Dijkstra's algorithm).

  4. Dynamic Programming
    Solve problems using dynamic programming techniques (fibonacci sequence, knapsack problem).

  5. Backtracking
    Implement backtracking algorithms (N-Queens problem, Sudoku solver).

  6. Greedy Algorithms
    Solve problems using greedy algorithms.

  7. Divide and Conquer
    Apply divide and conquer strategy to solve problems.

  8. String Algorithms
    Solve problems related to strings (substring search, palindrome detection).

  9. Array Algorithms
    Solve problems related to arrays (subset generation, permutation).

  10. Mathematical Algorithms
    Implement mathematical algorithms (factorial calculation, prime number generation).

  11. Tree Algorithms
    Traverse trees and solve problems related to binary trees.

  12. Sorting Challenges
    Solve specific challenges related to sorting.

  13. Graph Challenges
    Solve specific challenges related to graph algorithms.

  14. Dynamic Programming Challenges
    Solve specific challenges using dynamic programming.

  15. Geometry Algorithms
    Implement algorithms related to computational geometry.

  16. Number Theory Algorithms
    Solve problems related to number theory (GCD, LCM).

  17. Bit Manipulation
    Solve problems using bit manipulation techniques.

  18. Combinatorial Algorithms
    Solve problems involving combinations and permutations.

  19. Parallel Algorithms
    Implement algorithms suitable for parallel execution.

  20. Optimization Problems
    Solve optimization problems using algorithms.

Data Structures

  1. Arrays
    Implement basic array operations (insert, delete, update).
    Use arrays to implement stack and queue data structures.

  2. Linked Lists
    Implement singly linked lists.
    Use linked lists to solve problems like reversing a list or detecting cycles.

  3. Stacks
    Implement stack operations (push, pop, peek).
    Use stacks to solve problems like balanced parentheses or postfix evaluation.

  4. Queues
    Implement queue operations (enqueue, dequeue).
    Use queues to solve problems like implementing a circular queue or a priority queue.

  5. Trees
    Implement binary trees and binary search trees (BST).
    Traverse trees using depth-first search (DFS) and breadth-first search (BFS).

  6. Heaps
    Implement heap operations (insert, delete, heapify).
    Use heaps to solve problems like implementing a priority queue.

  7. Hash Tables
    Implement hash table operations (insert, delete, lookup).
    Solve problems involving collisions and hash function design.

  8. Graphs
    Implement graph representations (adjacency matrix, adjacency list).
    Use graphs to solve problems like finding connected components or shortest paths.

  9. Tries
    Implement tries (prefix trees) and solve problems like autocomplete.

  10. Disjoint Sets (Union-Find)
    Implement disjoint-set data structure and solve related problems.

  11. Segment Trees
    Implement segment trees and solve range query problems.

  12. Fenwick Trees (Binary Indexed Trees)
    Implement Fenwick trees for efficient prefix sum calculations.

  13. Splay Trees
    Implement splay trees and perform self-adjusting binary search.

  14. Suffix Trees and Arrays
    Implement suffix trees and suffix arrays for pattern matching.

  15. Red-Black Trees
    Implement red-black trees and maintain balance during insertion and deletion.

  16. B-Trees
    Implement B-trees for disk-based data structures.

  17. Priority Queues
    Implement priority queues using heaps or other suitable data structures.

  18. Sparse Matrices
    Implement sparse matrices and perform operations efficiently.

  19. Persistent Data Structures
    Implement persistent versions of basic data structures.

  20. Concurrency Structures
    Implement data structures suitable for concurrent programming.

Feel free to fork this repository and add more problems or improve existing solutions. Happy coding! 🌟