
JavaFx Showcase/Tour-guide library

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT



A Showcase/ Tour-guide component for JavaFx application inspired by Material Design guidelines.


Quick Start

Showcase showcase = new Showcase(root);
showcase.createStep(button, "This is a nice button.");
showcase.createStep(label, "A small and cute label.");
showcase.createStep(textField, "Oh, look at this awesome text field !");



Steps, Target and content

Each Steps associates a target node and a content node. Target nodes are components to highlight and content nodes are extra information added to the scene. Each step can embed custom layout and layering strategies to override the Showcase defaults. When your are using Showcase.createStep(Node target, String body, String title) it automatically creates a content node based on the SimpleShowcaseView class. You can still use your own components by calling Showcase.createStep(Node target, Node custom_content)

Layer and Layouts

The Showcase component rendering is based on two main objects: Layer and Layout. The layer defines how a target node will be highlighted (the background and the associated shape). The layout manages the content placement strategy over the layer.

Basic usage

Manage Layers

Built-In Layers

  • ShowcaseLayerShape: This type of layers allows you to define custom JavaFx shapes that will be subtracted to a background shape sized as the showcase. This will result in a transparent gap, highlighting a part of the scene.

  • ShowcaseLayerFill: Showcase fills allows you to submit background fills as layer. This si usefull to render gradients or background effects.

If built-in layers doesn't fit your needs you can always define new ones by extending the ShowcaseLayer, ShowcaseLayerShape or ShowcaseLayerFill classes.

Manage Layouts

NOTE: When you are working with built-in layouts you must fix the size of content nodes as the resizing behaviour is not handled by layouts. Use medhods setMaxSize() or setPrefSize() on content nodes or add css rules -fx-max-width, -fx-max-height, -fx-pref-width, -fx-pref-height. Built-in Layout:

  • AutoShowcaseLayout (Auto. placement strategy)
  • Tooltip ShowcaseLayout (Put content node inside tooltips)
  • RelativeShowcaseLayout (Place the content node with given x.y offsets from target)
  • AlignmentShowcaseLayout (Place the content node aligned with showcase bounds: TOP, BOTTOM_LEFT,etc...)


showcase.setDefaultLayout(new AutoShowcaseLayout());

If built-in layouts doesn't fit your needs you can always define a new one by extending the ShowcaseLayout class.

//Creates an absolute layout
showcase.setDefaultLayout(new ShowcaseLayout() {
	Pane pane = new Pane();
	public void addContentNode(Node content, Bounds targetBoundsInParent, double parentWidth,
			double parentHeight) {

	public Node getNode() {
		return pane;

Events and Behaviours

Showcase behaviour can be customized using Events handlers and Behaviours to quickly cover common use cases.


Events handler properties: setOnShowcaseStarted, setOnShowcaseStopped, setOnShowcaseStepDisplay


Component Css classes
Showcase showcase
Step showcase-step-content, simple-step-view
Layer showcase-layer, showcase-layer-shape, showcase-layer-fill
Layout showcase-tooltip-content, showcase-tooltip-pointer