
Injects CSS and JS into the Discord client.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


latest release license discord issues prs

This script aims to pick up where BeautifulDiscord ends. Not only does it support custom CSS injections, but it also gives you the ability for custom JavaScript.

Important notice

This is version 4 of Discord Injections.

Please report any problems, bugs, suspicious behavior, etc to Github. Thank you very much!


Need help installing? Want to give a suggestion? Want to just chat? I'm using DTinker as a hub for DiscordInjections! Click right on Lil' Bub's face to go there!


(Or click here if you're boring)


  1. Custom CSS
  2. CSS hot-loading and watching
  3. Custom JS in the form of Plugins
  4. Custom commands
  5. Custom settings
  6. Transparency and frame settings
  7. Custom splash screen CSS


This module requires you to have node.js installed with ES6 support.

This module optionally requires git for easier version updating.


  1. Go to the directory you would like to install this module in

  2. Download the files

    With releases (currently no v4 versions have been released!)

    1. Download the latest release
    2. Extract to the desired location

    With git

    1. Type git clone https://github.com/DiscordInjections/DiscordInjections folderName
    2. Type git checkout tags/<VERSION> to go to a specific version. This is recommended

    NOTE: No support is giving for HEAD - it is in a constant changing and breaking state.

  3. Type cd folderName

  4. Run npm install

  5. Run npm run inject

  6. Edit the config.json file as desired

  7. Install any desired plugins, and then run npm run install-plugins

To uninstall, run npm run uninject

To reinstall, run npm run reinject


WARNING: If you currently have any version below 4.X.X installed, you must run npm run uninject before doing this step, and then npm run inject afterwards!

With releases

  1. Download the latest release
  2. Extract to the desired location

With git

  1. Run git fetch --tags
  2. Run git checkout tags/<VERSION>


  1. Run git pull if you are using master

Next Steps

  1. Make sure all dependencies are installed (run npm install - new dependencies might have been added)


All usage takes place in the folder you installed DiscordInjections into.


DiscordInjections has some configuration options. A default config.json file is provided as config.json.template. Feel free to copy over and customize it to your liking.

Every option that accepts paths can start with a placeholder:

The working directory of DI
The users home path
The config folder `discordinjections`. On Windows, it is located in `%APPDATA%`, on Linux, you can find it usually under `~/.config`
The config folder for your discord distribution (`discord`, `discordptb`, `discordcanary`, `discorddevelopment`). On Windows, it is located in `%APPDATA%`, on Linux, you can find it usually under `~/.config`
The runtime folder for your discord distribution (`discord`, `discordptb`, `discordcanary`, `discorddevelopment`). On Windows, it is located in `%LOCALAPPDATA%`, on Linux, you can find it usually under `~/.share`


The CSS tree can be changed in the settings of Discord.

To adjust the CSS for the splash screen, adjust the splash key of the config.json file. To see the HTML of the splash screen, extract the app.asar file in the Discord resources folder. Then load the app_bootstrap/spash/index.html in Vanilla Electron.


For extensibility, DiscordInjections uses a simple plugin system. Plugins are placed in the Plugins/ directory.

To create a plugin, you must extend the Structures/Plugin class. See the Plugins/SamplePlugin.js.EXAMPLE file for an example.

For a list of plugins, visit Plugins


Plugins can be dangerous. Please read the disclaimer.


DiscordInjections is not responsible for any plugins created by a third party. Needless to say, running plugins can be extremely dangerous as it exposes your entire discord client, as well as localStorage.

Before adding a plugin, be sure to thoroughly check its code to see what it does.

Stay safe.