PoP mining within Hemi Network

VPS Configuration

  • You can start PoP mining either using VPS or using Ubuntu on your local system, I will go with a normal VPS
  • RAM : 2 GB, Storage : 50 GB, CPU : 2 Core


[ -f "hemixyz.sh" ] && rm hemixyz.sh; wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Dropxtor/PoP-Mining/main/hemixyz.sh && chmod +x hemixyz.sh && ./hemixyz.sh
  • If you want to check logs, use the below command
screen -r hemipop


  • If you see something like this 👆, it's fine


  • If you see these errors 👆, it is also fine, it is due to gas price fluctuation
  • After that, make sure to detach from the screen session using Ctrl + A + D
  • If you want to check your wallet details later, use the below command
cat ~/popm-address.json


  • Hemi network team directly did not announce any reward for this but you will earn 1 tHEMI for each transactions. May be in near future, team will give reward to active PoP miners one the basis of tHEMI
  • You can check how many tHEMI you have collected so far using this block explorer



  • If you face any issue join my channel, ask there : Link