
Simulation code for the paper "A computational model of inhibitory control in frontal cortex and basal ganglia."

Primary LanguagePython


Date: 05 November 2013
Authors: Thomas V. Wiecki
Michael J. Frank
Contact: thomas.wiecki@gmail.com
Web site:http://github.com/twiecki/bg_inhib
Copyright: This document has been placed in the public domain.
License:Simplified BSD
Version: 1.1

This is the neural network model and accompanying scripts to run and analyze the model presented in:

"A computational model of inhibitory control in frontal cortex and basal ganglia." Wiecki, T.V. & Frank, M.J., Psychological Review, 2013

To run the selective response inhibition simulations:

python emergent.py --run -b 4 -g saccade

To run the stop-signal simulations:

python emergent.py --run -b 4 -g stopsignal

This should populate the logs directory. After this is finished (might take quite some time), run:

python emergent.py --analyze -b 4 -g saccade
python emergent.py --analyze -b 4 -g stopsignal

This should populate the plots subdirectories. Note that plots used in the final paper are often edited to improve quality.