Detailed analysis of your Energy, gas and liquid consumptions
- 5
- 0
Migration to ESLint 9 and @iobroker/eslint-config
#1018 opened by ioBroker-Bot - 1
- 27
Sourceanalytics V 0.50 - Device Reset
#794 opened by joergeli - 0
Old Datapoints are not irgnored after deleting the unit
#1009 opened by flapman - 0
Disappearing Datapoint after activation
#1008 opened by flapman - 2
Falsche Berechnung bei Änderung des Tarifs
#625 opened by ManfredHi - 0
Compatibility check and testing for node.js 22
#999 opened by ioBroker-Bot - 1
- 1
- 0
- 3
Verbrauchswerte als JSON
#967 opened by Michael3004 - 1
Whats the Problem?
#933 opened by mpl1337 - 1
Stündliche Änderung der Preisdefinition
#715 opened by ManfredHi - 0
Re-Calculate from past values
#947 opened by achimmm - 6
Obwohl keine Einspeisung, schreibt er den Wert der letzten Einspeisung weiter
#704 opened by fuxx-consulting - 1
- 0
Heizölverbrauch ermitteln?
#935 opened by Kenaschon - 0
- 3
Berechnungen um MItternacht manuell ausführen
#905 opened by ManfredHi - 0
- 0
Time units of minutes or hours .... for datasources like "runtime xxx minutes/hours since installation"
#918 opened by harvey637 - 15
- 1
Neue Objekte werden ohne Attribute angelegt.
#883 opened by Maxtor62 - 1
Weitere Einheiten (z.B. kg)
#614 opened by ManfredHi - 0
Daten 1 Monat rückwirkend abspeichern
#882 opened by manny4566 - 1
roundCosts with NaN ?
#750 opened by knherzog - 7
cannot load jsonConfig
#870 opened by Herbert-Testmann - 0
Export of data/structure
#873 opened by Wildbill-Z - 1
Verbrauch Abrechnungszeitraum
#595 opened by Wurzelfuchs - 0
- 0
Kumulativ Werte deaktivieren?!
#813 opened by tobiasw83 - 1
Warnmeldung, da aktuelles Jahr nicht vorhanden
#775 opened by Schmakus - 0
- 0
Cumulative Earnings und Cost
#764 opened by jcfuchs - 10
Warnmeldung Iobroker device reset
#754 opened by tobiasw83 - 1
Counter change - how it is possible
#759 opened by radebold - 1
Device reset Detectet
#753 opened by tobiasw83 - 2
Dynamic Tariffs implementation (Enhancement)
#687 opened by Walkinlarge2010 - 7
richtige Einstellungen in SA
#714 opened by DennisXK - 1
Zählerstand wurde doppelt gezählt.
#722 opened by New-three - 3
Zeit Jahreswechsel werden keine Daten mehr angelegt
#710 opened by DennisXK - 2
- 0
Startwert neuer Zähler
#695 opened by Rushmed - 0
Kein Reset, obwohl "Erkennung der Zurücksetzung des Gerätewerts Aktiviert" aktiv
#686 opened by janwilke - 1
sendTo möglich?
#678 opened by hdering - 4
PV-Anlage / Balkonkraftwerk Integration
#643 opened by DennisXK - 0
xxx.currentYear.consumed.05_currentYear wrong value
#641 opened by hytrek - 2
Alias/Pseudonym funktioniert nicht?
#617 opened by woessmich - 4
Bei Überlauf des Stromzählers negative Werte
#594 opened by pmueller99