- 0
- 0
- 0
- 2
[Question] Datapoint "ps" - "ID of currently set preset" can be used, but switch back to -1 after a second
#710 opened by Haifeif - 1
v0.7.3 fills up the log with reconnect retries for not availabe devices
#713 opened by Speedbreaker12 - 13
- 9
Scrolling text: <trail> value not available
#688 opened by Haifeif - 12
Spacing and grouping writable
#706 opened by xozy22 - 4
0.7.3beta error when device not available
#698 opened by liv-in-sky - 1
Compatibility check and testing for node.js 22
#705 opened by ioBroker-Bot - 0
- 0
Feature Request: Add and Delete Segments
#708 opened by BenAhrdt - 2
- 1
- 7
Fehler Offline zu oft
#646 opened by reihd - 5
Show the buttons
#691 opened by MarkoP2507 - 3
- 3
Websocket connection error : Error: WebSocket was closed before the connection was established
#647 opened by reihd - 2
- 5
Feed the Scrolling Text for 2D LED Matrix
#670 opened by LosFritzos - 1
Iconsistencies in online/offline detection
#654 opened by foxriver76 - 1
- 1
Property frz of an segment should be writeable
#635 opened by Huseriato - 0
ensure backend processing stops if device is deleted in ioBroker object tree
#615 opened by DutchmanNL - 2
ESP off/online: Light on/off
#565 opened by AdamK-DE - 2
State wrong type
#611 opened by ViP3R76 - 0
Please fix issues reported by adapter checker
#597 opened by mcm1957 - 5
- 23
- 3
Datapoint cct has no effect
#569 opened by niiccooo1 - 1
[SentryErrorCache] Cannot read property 'ip' of undefined
#403 opened by drozmotix-sentry-integration - 4
- 3
Get the roles right...
#428 opened by Garfonso - 2
- 2
- 1
Cannot change segment name (scrolling text)
#519 opened by tobi-nmx - 0
Compatibility with new WLED version 0.14.0-b1
#487 opened by nob0dy80 - 5
Select Effects doesn't work as expected
#490 opened by KX1095 - 9
Read ESP Pins
#485 opened by maxpd1 - 15
- 2
- 9
Latest version flooding the logs
#409 opened by zeromancer1972 - 4
_online DP as value not JSON
#410 opened by mcuiobroker - 1
TypeError: Cannot read property 'initialized' of undefined at Wled.handleStates
#400 opened by drozmotix-sentry-integration - 1
WLED Adapter Multiple Instances Issue
#315 opened by Percy2Live - 14
- 9
Fehler beim Start: Sentry disabled, error caught State attribute definition missing for : cct with value : false
#322 opened by MarkSau - 0
Compatibility check to js-controller 4.0
#352 opened by ioBrokerChecker - 0
IoT Adapter integration
#328 opened by Kev0123 - 1
Manchmal keine Devices in den Einstellungen
#310 opened by guergen1