All Arch-based distributions
- Easy setup
- Full system integration
- Quick initialization and launch
- Does not use containerization like steam runtime
- This is not another game launcher
- Launch *.exe *.lnk *.bat *.msi *.reg files in one click
- Ability to specify EXE arguments and save them in settings
- Tray mode
- Automatic download of necessary Wine libraries
- Checking for updates for libraries in a given period of time
- Ability to create separate configuration files for different EXEs
- Automatic enable WineD3D (OpenGL) mode if Vulkan API is not available
- Manual enabling WineD3D (OpenGL) mode (Disables DXVK, DXVK-NVAPI, VKD3D, DXR)
- DXVK with Wine DXGI mode
- Supports running on virtual machines with GL acceleration (tested on KVM, see installation video)
- Debug mode
- Terminal mode (various terminals supported) (see Terminal usage)
- Terminal hold
- Logging mode
- SHELL mode or open file in SHELL (with access to all lutris-wine functions)
- CMD mode or open file in CMD
- Wine Manager (Lutris, Proton GE, Wine GE, Kron4ek)
- System Wine supports (selected automatically if no other versions of Wine are installed)
- Manage and install multiple wine/proton/dxvk/dxvk-nvapi/vkd3d/d3d_extras/dgvoodoo2 versions and on-the-fly change
- Switching DXR/RTX Version (if the video adapter support and depends on VKD3D)
- DLSS (if the video adapter and game support and depends on DXVK-NVAPI + WINE-NVML)
- Custom URL for runtime repo
- Custom VKD3D config
- MangoHud settings (with custom config support)
- VkBasalt settings
- Reshade Shaders settings (VkBasalt Effects, depends on VkBasalt)
- Vulkan ICD loader automatic and manual settings
- AMD FidelityFX Contrast Adaptive Sharpening settings (depends on VkBasalt)
- Gstreamer (if Wine support)
- GameMode
- Esync
- Fsync (if linux kernel support)
- Vsync settings
- AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution settings (if Wine support)
- BattleEye runtime (if Wine support)
- EasyAntiCheat runtime (if Wine support)
- NVIDIA Prime Render Offload
- US keyboard layout switcher
- Reset PulseAudio (+PulseEffects)
- Reduce PulseAudio latency
- Restore gamma
- CPU limitation mode
- Show Crash Dialog (WINEDBG)
- FPS limit settings (with MangoHud or libstrangle)
- Custom Wine themes
- Runtime updater
- Quick add applications to Lutris (if Lutris installed)
- Add/remove applications in the menu
- Quick access to Wine stuff:
* Wine explorer
* Control panel
* Wine settings
* Task manager
* Wine uninstaller
* Registry editor
- GUI for custom apps configs
- Built-in fixed Winetricks
- System Winetricks support
- Quick open drive C:\
- Killer stuff:
* Kill Wine processes
* Kill tray
* Kill Lutris Wine running EXE
* Kill SHELL
* Force exit (kill all)
- Ability to clear a prefix without completely recreating it
- Mouse context menu for Dolphin
- Window compositing management (KDE, MATE, XFCE, Deepin)
- Wine prefix management
- Wine architecture management
- Windows Version management
- Wine DLL overrides
- Wine MONO overrides
- Disabling MONO (.NET Core)
- Various optimizations for better gaming performance
- Ability to use Lutris runtime (with system library priority if needed)
- Custom EXE DB launch helper scripts, like this LOL anticheat helper
- Custom loading bar animation
- Old OpenGL String
- Disable Vulkan Async
- Wine virtual desktop
- Disable no primary displays
- Restore resolution
- Wine prefix sandbox
- Wayland supports (experimental)
- Downloader selection (aria2c or wget, aria2c in priority)
- Ability to use the built-in Proton D3D DLLs (DXVK, DXVK-NVAPI and VKD3D)
- Selecting different D3D DLLs from different versions of Proton
- Custom Environment (globally and separately for EXE)
- pre_launch and post_launch functions
- Checking and usage anticheat libraries and Protons in native Steam (selected automatically if no other versions of Wine and anticheats are installed)
- WINE-NVML (automatic download if it does not exist in DXVK-NVAPI
- Faking current resolution (if Wine support WINE_FULLSCREEN_FAKE_CURRENT_RES and depends on FSR)
- LatencyFleX (depends on DXVK-NVAPI >=0.5.3)
- Nvidia Resizable BAR (if your system support)
- Сreating/restoring backups of Wine prefixes
- Supports the creation of multiple backups with their own timestamps for the same prefix
- Сhoosing the compression method (xz and zstd) and compression level for backups (zstd and 1 lvl as default for backups)
- Mounting/unmounting backups of Wine prefixes
- Supports mounting multiple backups at the same time with a separate control gui
- Redefining Wine options in settings GUI:
- And much more
- Enable multilib in the pacman config:
sudo sed -i "/\[multilib\]/,/Include/"'s/^#//' /etc/pacman.conf
- Upgrade your system:
sudo pacman -Syu
- Install the latest video drivers for your video adapter:
!!!Make sure your video adapter supports Vulkan API!!!
## NVIDIA ##
sudo pacman -S lib32-nvidia-utils lib32-opencl-nvidia libxnvctrl nvidia nvidia-dkms nvidia-settings nvidia-utils opencl-nvidia
## AMD ##
sudo pacman -S lib32-vulkan-radeon vulkan-radeon xf86-video-amdgpu
## INTEL ##
sudo pacman -S lib32-vulkan-intel vulkan-intel lib32-libva-intel-driver libva-intel-driver libva-utils xf86-video-intel
- Reboot your system:
sudo reboot
- Install Lutris Wine using your favorite AUR package manager:
yay --needed --noconfirm -S base-devel lutris-wine-git && lutris-wine -init
└──╼ $ lutris-wine {lutris-wine argument} blabla.exe {exe arguments}
-explorer Wine explorer
-cmd Open CMD or open file in CMD
-shell Open SHELL or open file in SHELL
-config Settings
-appcfg Apps Settings
-regedit Registry editor
-control Control panel
-winecfg Wine settings
-winemgr {delonly} Wine manager
-taskmgr Task manager
-uninstaller Wine uninstaller
-winetricks {arguments} Winetricks
-openpfx Open drive C:\
-killwine Kill Wine processes
-killtray Kill tray
-killexe Kill running EXE
-killshell Kill SHELL
-exit Force exit
-clearpfx Clear prefix
-rmapp Remove menu app
-shortcut Create shortcut
-addtolu Add to Lutris
-debug DEBUG
-help Show this usage info
-version Show version info
-tray {noclose} Tray
-init Forced initialization
-pfxbackup {xz} Make prefix backup
-pfxrestore Restore prefix from backup
-backupmnt Mount prefix backup
-backupunmnt Unmount prefix backup
-update {all} Runtime updater
{dx|dxvk} {p7|p7zip} {vkd|vkd3d} {ub1804_8664|ubuntu1804-x86_64} {resh|reshade}
{inn|innoextract} {net|network-tools} {d3d|d3d_extras|d3d-extras} {eac|eac_runtime}
{dxnv|dxvk-nvapi|dxvk_nvapi} {bat|battleye|battleye_runtime} {wtrx|winetricks}
{ga|gamectrlrdb|gamecontrollerdb} {dg|dgvoodoo2} {ub1804_686|ubuntu1804-i686}
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []