
Python-based Network Analyser with a web interface

Primary LanguagePython

🌐 Network Analyzer

This web interface empowers users to upload PCAP files for analysis and visualize the results through CSV reports and captivating charts.

📋 Requirements

  • Python libraries (specified in requirements.txt)
  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Node.js (for server-side scripting)

🚀 Usage

  1. Ensure the necessary Python libraries are installed by running pip install -r requirements.txt.
  2. Initiate the server by executing node server.js.
  3. Access the web interface at http://localhost:3000.

🛠️ Functionality

  • Users can effortlessly upload PCAP files using the provided form.
  • Upon file selection, the filename is prominently displayed.
  • After submission, the Python script analyzes the PCAP file.
  • Results, including CSV reports and visually appealing charts, are dynamically presented.
  • CSV reports comprise:
    • Protocol distribution
    • Top IP address communications
    • Share of each protocol between IPs
    • DNS requests
  • Visualizations include:
    • Distribution of protocols (pie chart)
    • Share of each protocol between IPs (stacked bar chart)

📂 Files

  • main.py: Python script for PCAP file analysis.
  • server.js: Node.js server for file uploads and script execution.
  • index.html: HTML file for the user interface.
  • styles.css: CSS file for enhanced styling.
  • script.js: JavaScript file for interactive features.

📹 Demo and Installation

Experience the demo and installation process on YouTube.