Ruby's Yahoo Finance Wrapper
A dead simple wrapper for yahoo finance quotes end-point.
gem install 'yahoo-finance'
require 'yahoo_finance'
If using bundler:
gem 'yahoo-finance', require: 'yahoo_finance'
Getting latest quotes for a set of symbols
Pass an array of valid symbols (stock names, indexes, exchange rates) and a list of fields you want:
data = YahooFinance.quotes(["BVSP", "NATU3.SA", "USDJPY=X"], [:ask, :bid, :last_trade_date])
Data is now an array of results. You now have accessor methods to retrieve the data, with the return results being strings:
puts data[0].symbol + " value is: " + data[0].ask
Passing raw: false
will return numerical values
data = YahooFinance.quotes(["BVSP", "NATU3.SA", "USDJPY=X"], [:ask, :bid, :last_trade_date], { raw: false } )
data[0].ask # This is now a float
The full list of fields follows:
Getting historical quotes
Here you can specify a date range and a symbol, and retrieve historical data for it. The last parameter (options) can include, besides the "raw" option, a "period" option. The period can be specified as :daily, :monthly, :weekly or :dividends_only
data = YahooFinance.historical_quotes("AAPL") # entire historical data
data = YahooFinance.historical_quotes("AAPL", { start_date: Time::now-(24*60*60*10), end_date: Time::now }) # 10 days worth of data
data = YahooFinance.historical_quotes("AAPL", { raw: false, period: :monthly })
Getting splits
You can also retrieve split data.
data = YahooFinance.splits('AAPL', :start_date => - 10*365)
data[0].date # Date<2014-06-09>
data[0].before # 1
data[0].after # 7
Enjoy! :-)
- Herval (