Sparkify a Case Study of Data Modeling with Postgres


This is project is intended to help Sparkify music startup to build a database in postgres to query their data. Until now their dataresides in a directory of JSON logs on user activity on the app, as well as a directory with JSON metadata on the songs in their app.

The code in this repo are ETLs to load songplays, users, songs, artists and time tables into a database in Postgres.


  1. Load the song and log data into each of the folders in data.
  2. Run to drop all existing tables in the sparkify database, and create new ones.
  3. Run to extract, transform and load into sparkify database the songplays, users, songs, artists and time tables from song and log json files.
  4. Run test.ipynb to verify that etl ran successfully.

Repo structure

  • data: Contains the song data and log data, which are json files.
  • Drops and creates tables in Postgre sparkify databse.
  • etl.ipynb: Notebook with all the prototype code to build the ETL process.
  • Runs the ETLs to load data into sparkify databse. It creates the following tables:
    • songplays
    • users
    • songs
    • artists
    • time
  • Script with all the drop, create and insert SQL commands.
  • test.ipynb: Script that tests the existence and content of each of the tables in the database.