
BBCode parser with bidirectional conversion.

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BBCode parser from or to HTML.


PHP 7.1+ is required.

To get the latest version of BBCode, simply require the project using Composer:

$ composer require genert/bbcode


convertFromHtml(string $text)

Convert BBCode to HTML and returns parsed text as string.


use Genert\BBCode\BBCode;

$bbCode = new BBCode();

// Output: '[b]Hello word![/b]'
$bbCode->convertFromHtml('<strong>Hello word!</strong>');

convertToHtml(string $text, [$caseSensitive])

Convert HTML to BBCode and returns parsed text as string.


use Genert\BBCode\BBCode;

$bbCode = new BBCode();

// Output: '<strong>Hello word!</strong>'
$bbCode->convertToHtml('[b]Hello word![/b]');

This function also supports case sensitive BBCode parsing by optional parameter.

To enable this, simply pass BBCode::CASE_SENSITIVE as second argument:

// Output: '<strong><i><u>Ran<strong>d</strong>om text</u></i></strong>'
$bbCode->convertToHtml('[B][I][U]Ran[b]d[/b]om text[/u][/I][/b]', BBCode::CASE_SENSITIVE);

stripBBCodeTags(string $text)

Strips BBCode tags from text and returns output as string.


use Genert\BBCode\BBCode;

$bbCode = new BBCode();

// Output: 'Hello word!'
$bbCode->stripBBCodeTags('[b]Hello word![/b]');

only(array list or ...args)

Sets parser to only convert set BBCode tags.


use Genert\BBCode\BBCode;

$bbCode = new BBCode();

// Output: '<strong>Bold</strong> [i]italic[/i]'
$bbCode->only('bold')->convertToHtml('[b]Bold[/b] [i]italic[/i]');

// Or as array
$bbCode->only(['bold'])->convertToHtml('[b]Bold[/b] [i]italic[/i]');

except(array list or ...args)

Sets parser to only convert all BBCode tags except listed.


use Genert\BBCode\BBCode;

$bbCode = new BBCode();

// Output: '[b]Bold[/b] <i>italic</i>'
$bbCode->except('bold')->convertToHtml('[b]Bold[/b] [i]italic[/i]');

// Or as array
$bbCode->except(['bold'])->convertToHtml('[b]Bold[/b] [i]italic[/i]');

addParser(string $name, string $pattern, string $replace, string $content)

Add regex based BBCode parser to translate found pattern to desired one.


use Genert\BBCode\BBCode;

$bbCode = new BBCode();

// Add "[link target=http://example.com]Example[/link]" parser.
    '/\[link target\=(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/link\]/s',
    '<a href="$1">$2</a>',

// Output: '<a href="www.yourlinkhere.com">Text to be displayed</a>.'
$bbCode->convertToHtml('[link target=www.yourlinkhere.com]Text to be displayed[/link].');

addHtmlParser(string $name, string $pattern, string $replace, string $content)

Add HTML parser to translate pattern to desired one.

See addParser for example code.


Adds linebreak parser to BBCode parsers list to convert newlines to <br /> in HTML.

Laravel installation

Once BBCode is installed, you need to register the service provider. Open up config/app.php and add the following to the providers key.

  • \Genert\BBCode\BBCodeServiceProvider::class,

You can register facades in the aliases key of your config/app.php file if you like.

  • 'BBCode' => \Genert\BBCode\Facades\BBCode::class,

With registered facade, you can use library's functionality as following:

// Output: '<strong>Laravel wins</strong>'
echo BBCode::convertToHtml('[b]Laravel wins[/b]');

// Output: '[b]Do Symphony or not[/b]'
echo BBCode::convertFromHtml('<strong>Do Symphony or not</strong>');

// Output: '<strong>What does<strong> [i]fox say[/i]'
echo BBCode::only('bold')->convertToHtml('[b]What does[/b] [i]fox say[/i]');


To run tests, simply run following command in terminal:

composer test

Contributions & Issues

Contributions are welcome. Please clearly explain the purpose of the PR and follow the current style.

Issues can be resolved quickest if they are descriptive and include both a reduced test case and a set of steps to reproduce.


The genert/bbcode library is copyright © Genert Org and licensed for use under the MIT License (MIT).

Please see MIT License for more information.