
LLAMA Local is a simple and interactive Streamlit application designed to generate AI responses. It uses the Python bindings for @ggerganov's llama.cpp model for language understanding and generation. Users input a prompt, and the application returns a response generated by the model.

Primary LanguagePython


LLAMA Local is a simple and interactive Streamlit application designed to generate AI responses. It uses the Python bindings for llama.cpp model for language understanding and generation. Users input a prompt, and the application returns a response generated by the model.

Getting Started

Dependencies This application requires the following Python libraries:

Streamlit Langchain You also need a Python 3.7+ environment.


Clone the repo:


git clone https://github.com/Druvith/LLAMA-Local-An-AI-response-generator.git

Install the necessary packages:

pip install streamlit langchain
pip install llama-cpp-python

Download the GGML version of Llama-7B from huggingface.co and place it in the models directory, which should be in the same directory as your main project files.

Navigate to the project directory and run the Streamlit application:

streamlit run app2.py


After running the application, navigate to the local server address provided in your terminal (usually http://localhost:8501). In the app, you will find a text box where you can enter a prompt. After you submit the prompt, the application will display the AI's response.

Model Information

The application uses the python bindings for LlamaCpp language model, which is loaded from a local binary file (./models/llama-2-7b.ggmlv3.q4_K_S.bin). Ensure that this file is in the correct location for the application to function.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

License MIT