
QueryCap - A fashionable headset AI companion that can see what you see and answer questions about what's in front of you. For VTHacks 2023.

Primary LanguagePython


QueryCap - A fashionable headset AI companion that can see what you see and answer questions about what's in front of you. For VTHacks 2023.

See more details about project, such as video, on this Devpost link


  • Raspberry Pi
    • Runs Pi/pi_controller.py
  • Computer/server with at least 64GB of RAM for model
    • We used an AWS EC2 server
    • Runs model.py
  • Computer/server on same WiFi network as Raspberry Pi for server
    • Runs server.py

Hardware Setup

  1. Need a Raspberry Pi on the same WiFi network as the computer running server.py
  2. Plug a USB webcam, into the Raspberry Pi, as well as a microphone. Our webcam had a built-in microphone
  3. Connect a button to Rapsberry Pi GPIO pin 15 (BCM numbering) and Ground, and configure pin 15 to use an internal pull-up resistor

Software Setup (required before running)

  1. On Raspberry Pi, install libraries in Pi/requirements.txt using pip install -r Pi/requirements.txt in a Python virtual environment
  2. On computer/servers running the model and the server, install libraries in requirements.txt using pip install -r requirements.txt in a Python virtual environment
  3. Networking setup for HTTP requests between devices:
    • On the Pi, in Pi/pi_controller.py, set the URL variable to http://<server IP address>:5000/send_image, where <IP address> is the IP address of the computer running server.py on the same WiFi network
    • On the computer running server.py, set up SSH port tunneling from port 5001 to port 5000 of the computer running model.py in another terminal: SSH into the computer running model.py like normal but passing the flag -L 5001:<model server IP address>:5000, where <model server IP address> is the IP address of the computer running model.py
    • In our case, we set this up because we were using an AWS server

Running Software

  1. For computer running server.py, run flask --app server.py run --host
  2. For computer running model.py, run flask --app model.py run
  3. For Raspberry Pi, run python Pi/pi_controller.py
  4. Now, whenever you want to ask a question, hold down the button connected to the Raspberry Pi and speak your question
    • A picture will be taken on button press, and your audio will be recorded for as long as button is held
    • Then, the computer running server.py will play the answer through its speaker. Voila!