
Primary LanguageJavaScript

PathFinder Mobile Application

PathFinder is a mobile application that focuses on the FMLM journey of users to their intended destination. It provides a gamified experience which allows users to earn rewards while using the application.

Getting Started

PathFinder runs on both Android and iOS as it is built using React Native. PathFinder works on both a physical device as well as through an emulator. Additional steps to run on an emulator is written below.


  1. Node.js 10 LTS

  2. Expo CLI command line utility

  3. Physical mobile device or an emulator

  4. iOS 10.0 or greater or, Android API level 24 or greater


Node.js 10 LTS can be downloaded from https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v10.x/

After installing Node.js, open a terminal or a command line and run

npm install -g expo-cli

This will install the Expo CLI command line utility

Running the application

There are two ways to run the application. Either on a pysical device or through and emulator.

Running on a physical device

Navigate to the project directory and run the following commands,

npm install 

This ensures that all required components are installed prior to running the application.

In order to run the application, run

npm start 

This will open up a browser and a QR code will be displayed.

Note: Its best to run in Tunnel mode.

Use an Android or an iOS phone and open up the camera app. Scan the QR code and the Expo application will be launched.

Running on an emulator

To run on an emulator, lauch the emulator though AVD manager in Android studio and run the command,

npx react-native run-android

Component Diagram

Image of Component Diagram

PathFinder Video

Curious and want to know more about PathFinder? Watch the PathFinder in the video link below. Link: https://youtu.be/-_SFn6BgFXk

Feedback form

If you would like to provide feedback on PathFinder, please use the link below. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScAwVtn7Pjr5gcqdZ9uZaia3FKgOaRR8QwSC4yXJjlMrY0kHg/viewform