
A view component for react-native with pinch to zoom, tap to move and double tap to zoom capability.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

🚩🚩🚩 Attention: Deprecated 🚩🚩🚩

Sadly we are not using react-native in any of our projects anymore and therefore don't use this either. We tried to apply some fixes from time to time, but it took up way more time than we have available for a fun project. We also wanted to do a complete rewrite using react-animated for performance reasons, but we never made it past a prototype. Since we did not find enough contributors to keep the project alive and did not want to leave the users hanging, we decided to deprecate our codebase and talk to some of the people, who have forked and worked on it.

Fortunately the awesome guys from [openspacelabs](https://github.com/openspacelabs/) have used this package and extended it in their repo. We have talked to them and they have agreed that now have their fork is the defacto successor of react-native-zoomable-view.

There is also a reanimated version, with a (as far as I can see bit smaller feature set - but it might be perfect for you) available: https://github.com/kesha-antonov/react-native-zoom-reanimated

Please only use their package going forward: https://github.com/openspacelabs/react-native-zoomable-view .
This package will not be developed anymore and as soon as their npm package is published, we will archive our npm package.


A view component for react-native with pinch to zoom, tap to move and double tap to zoom capability. You can zoom everything, from normal images, text and more complex nested views.

We are using this component already in production in two of our projects, but for quality assurance sake, please consider this component beta. We are happy to hear from you about bugs, issues and would also appreciate your pull requests, if you've made improvements or fixed bugs.


Getting started


$ npm install @dudigital/react-native-zoomable-view --save


$ yarn add @dudigital/react-native-zoomable-view

Basic Usage

This component is based on react-natives View, enhanced by panresponders and other events to make it zoomable. Therefore no platform specific configuration needs to be done.

Just use it as a drop in component instead of a normal view.

Import ReactNativeZoomableView:

import ReactNativeZoomableView from '@dudigital/react-native-zoomable-view/src/ReactNativeZoomableView';

Use the component:

      padding: 10,
      backgroundColor: 'red',
   <Text>This is the content</Text>


Here is a full drop in example you can use in Expo, after installing the package.

import React from 'react';
import { View, Image } from 'react-native';
import ReactNativeZoomableView from '@dudigital/react-native-zoomable-view/src/ReactNativeZoomableView';

export default class App extends React.Component {
   * Log out an example event after zooming
   * @param event
   * @param gestureState
   * @param zoomableViewEventObject
  logOutZoomState = (event, gestureState, zoomableViewEventObject) => {
    console.log('Event: ', event);
    console.log('GestureState: ', gestureState);
    console.log('ZoomableEventObject: ', zoomableViewEventObject);
    console.log(`Zoomed from ${zoomableViewEventObject.lastZoomLevel} to  ${zoomableViewEventObject.zoomLevel}`);

  render() {
    return (
      <View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
            padding: 10,
            backgroundColor: 'red',
          <Image style={{ flex: 1, width: null, height: '100%' }}
                 resizeMode="contain" />

Expo Snack Example


Example Repo




These options can be used to limit and change the zoom behavior.

name type description default
zoomEnabled boolean Can be used to enable or disable the zooming dynamically true
initialZoom number Initial zoom level on startup 1.0
maxZoom number Maximum possible zoom level (zoom in). Can be set to null to allow unlimited zooming 1.5
minZoom number Minimum possible zoom level (zoom out) 0.5
doubleTapDelay number How much delay will still be recognized as double press (ms) 300
doubleTapZoomToCenter boolean If true, double tapping will always zoom to center of View instead of the direction it was double tapped in
bindToBorders boolean If true, it makes sure the object stays within box borders true
zoomStep number How much zoom should be applied on double tap 0.5
pinchToZoomInSensitivity number the level of resistance (sensitivity) to zoom in (0 - 10) - higher is less sensitive 3
pinchToZoomOutSensitivity number the level of resistance (sensitivity) to zoom out (0 - 10) - higher is less sensitive 1
zoomCenteringLevelDistance number the (zoom level - 0 - maxZoom) distance for pinch to zoom actions until they are shifted on new pinch to zoom center - higher means it centeres slower 0.5
movementSensibility number how resistant should shifting the view around be? (0.5 - 5) - higher is less sensitive 1.9
initialOffsetX number The horizontal offset the image should start at 0
initialOffsetY number The vertical offset the image should start at 0
longPressDuration number Duration in ms until a press is considered a long press 700
captureEvent boolean Defines whether the pan responder of the parent element should be captured. (useful for react-native modals, set it to true) false


These events can be used to work with data after specific events.

name description params expected return
onDoubleTapBefore Will be called, at the start of a double tap event, gestureState, zoomableViewEventObject void
onDoubleTapAfter Will be called at the end of a double tap event, gestureState, zoomableViewEventObject void
onShiftingBefore Will be called, when user taps and moves the view, but before our view movement work kicks in (so this is the place to interrupt movement, if you need to) event, gestureState, zoomableViewEventObject {boolean} if this returns true, ZoomableView will not process the shift, otherwise it will
onShiftingAfter Will be called, when user taps and moves the view, but after the values have changed already event, gestureState, zoomableViewEventObject void
onShiftingEnd Will be called, when user stops a tap and move gesture event, gestureState, zoomableViewEventObject void
onZoomBefore Will be called, while the user pinches the screen, but before our zoom work kicks in (so this is the place to interrupt zooming, if you need to) event, gestureState, zoomableViewEventObject {boolean} if this returns true, ZoomableView will not process the pinch, otherwise it will
onZoomAfter Will be called, while the user pinches the screen, but after the values have changed already event, gestureState, zoomableViewEventObject {boolean} if this returns true, ZoomableView will not process the pinch, otherwise it will
onZoomEnd Will be called after pinchzooming has ended event, gestureState, zoomableViewEventObject {boolean} if this returns true, ZoomableView will not process the pinch, otherwise it will
onLongPress Will be called after the user pressed on the image for a while event, gestureState void


The following events allow you to control the ZoomableView zoom level & position from your component. (think of control buttons, ...)

You can find an implementation example in the example repo: https://github.com/DuDigital/react-native-zoomable-view-example

name description params expected return
zoomTo Changes the zoom level to a specific number newZoomLevel: number, bindToBorders = true Promise
zoomBy Changes the zoom level relative to the current level (use positive numbers to zoom in, negative numbers to zoom out) zoomLevelChange: number, bindToBorders = true Promise
moveTo Shifts the zoomed part to a specific point (in px relative to x: 0, y: 0) newOffsetX: number, newOffsetY: number, bindToBorders = true Promise
moveBy Shifts the zoomed part by a specific pixel number newOffsetX: number, newOffsetY: number, bindToBorders = true Promise


export default function App() {
  // you will need a reference to the ReactNativeZoomableView component
  const zoomableViewRef = createRef<ReactNativeZoomableView>();

  return (
    <View style={styles.container}>
      <View style={styles.zoomWrapper}>
          <Text style={styles.caption}>HelloWorld</Text>

      <View style={styles.controlWrapperLeft}>
        {/* Here you see some examples of moveBy */}
        <Button onPress={() => zoomableViewRef.current!.moveBy(-30, 0)} title="⬅️" />
        <Button onPress={() => zoomableViewRef.current!.moveBy(30, 0)} title="➡️" />
        <Button onPress={() => zoomableViewRef.current!.moveBy(0, -30)} title="⬆️" />
        <Button onPress={() => zoomableViewRef.current!.moveBy(0, 30)} title="⬇️" />

        {/* Here you see an example of moveTo */}
        <Button onPress={() => zoomableViewRef.current!.moveTo(300, 200)} title="Move to" />

      <View style={styles.controlWrapperRight}>
        {/* Here you see examples of zoomBy */}
        <Button onPress={() => zoomableViewRef.current!.zoomBy(-0.1)} title="-" />
        <Button onPress={() => zoomableViewRef.current!.zoomBy(0.1)} title="+" />

        {/* Here you see an example of zoomTo */}
        <Button onPress={() => zoomableViewRef.current!.zoomTo(1)} title="reset" />

Pan Responder Hooks

Sometimes you need to change deeper level behavior, so we prepared these panresponder hooks for you.

name description params expected return
onStartShouldSetPanResponder description event, gestureState, zoomableViewEventObject, baseComponentResult {boolean} whether panresponder should be set or not
onMoveShouldSetPanResponder description event, gestureState, zoomableViewEventObject, baseComponentResult {boolean} whether panresponder should be set or not
onPanResponderGrant description event, gestureState, zoomableViewEventObject void
onPanResponderEnd Will be called when gesture ends (more accurately, on pan responder "release") event, gestureState, zoomableViewEventObject void
onPanResponderTerminate Will be called when the gesture is force-interrupted by another handler event, gestureState, zoomableViewEventObject void
onPanResponderTerminationRequest Callback asking whether the gesture should be interrupted by another handler (iOS only due to facebook/react-native#27778, facebook/react-native#5696, ...) event, gestureState, zoomableViewEventObject void
onPanResponderMove Will be called when user moves while touching event, gestureState, zoomableViewEventObject void


The zoomableViewEventObject object is attached to every event and represents the current state of our zoomable view.

      zoomLevel: number,         // current level of zooming (usually a value between minZoom and maxZoom)
      offsetX: number,           // current offset left
      offsetY: number,           // current offset top
      lastZoomLevel: number,     // last zoom level (before we started the movement)
      lastX: number,             // last offset left (before we started the movement)
      lastY: number,             // last offset top (before we started the movement)
      lastMovePinch: boolean,    // information if a movement is going on
      distanceBottom: number,    // view offset from bottom border
      distanceLeft: number,      // view offset from left border
      distanceRight: number,     // view offset from right border
      distanceTop: number,       // view offset from bottom border
      lastMovePinch: boolean,    // boolean, that states if this movement was a pinch movement
      originalHeight: number,    // original height of the outer view
      originalWidth: number,     // original width of the outer view
      captureEvent: boolean,     // should the panresponder be taken away from parent component (used for react-native modals) 

Special configurations

React Native Modal

To make this work with react-native modals, you have to set the captureEvent prop to true. Otherwise the modal will stop the pinch2zoom event and it will not work.


  • Improve documentation
  • Add examples for more complex scenarios (react-native-zoomable-view in a swiper)


A lot of people are now using react-native-zoomable-view and there are always smaller things to improve and change.
Therefore any contributions are more than welcome! <3

Are you looking to help out and improve this project?
Either submit Pull requests with awesome changes or reach out to me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SimonEritsch
Helping hands are always appreciated! :)

How to contribute

Just clone the example repository: https://github.com/DuDigital/react-native-zoomable-view-example

Adjust the package in the typescript files in node_modules/@dudigital/react-native-zoomable-view folder, while running npm transpile in that folder as well. (the transpile command will make sure to transpile the typescript code into javascript)

// We definitely need a better process here. If you have any ideas - please open an issue or PR about a solution. ;) // We would really appreciate it