ScrollView is inactive
Closed this issue · 6 comments
If you use ReactNativeZoomableView and ScrollView simultaneously, ScrollView will not work, unfortunately.
//your content
Faced the same issue for iOS device. working fine on android
@gshoanganh @TKshadow018 Did you find any solution for scrolling in iOS device?
@gshoanganh @TKshadow018 Did you find any solution for scrolling in iOS device?
Thanks @TKshadow018 for the reply
Unfortunately there is no real fix for this for now. The only thing we could do is disable tapping and maybe it could work, but unfortunately I don't have the time to do it right now. Will mark it as feature request and if anybody has time to implement it, I would really appreciate it if they could create a merge request for it.
Seems like there is no simple solution for this problem right now using the GestureDetector of react-native, because they steal each others GestureListeners.
If anybody has an idea, please comment here