
t/utf8.t - utf8_to_uvchr_buf failure on several systems

atoomic opened this issue · 3 comments

notice the error on several version of Perl 5.20.3, 5.24.4, ... on FreeBSD
but also on some older Perl versions and linux, view cpantesters list below

# Test 70 got: "7" (t/utf8.t at line 230 fail #7)
#    Expected: "13" (returned length utf8_to_uvchr_buf("\xff\x80\x90\x90\x90\xbf\xbf\xbf\xbf\xbf\xbf\xbf\xbf"); warnings disabled)
#  t/utf8.t line 230 is:         ok($ret->[1], $test->{'no_warnings_returned_length'},


copy: @khwilliamson

This should be fixed in 3.56