
A component that scale dynamically according to the internal size

Primary LanguageTypeScript

React <AutoSizeTransition />


A component that scale dynamically according to the internal size


yarn add auto-size-transition
import AutoSizeTransition from "auto-size-transition";

<AutoSizeTransition style={{background: 'red'}}>
  {visible ? (
    <div style={{ width: 300, display: "inline-block", padding: 20 }}>
  ) : (
    <div style={{ width: 200, display: "inline-block", padding: 20 }}>
      <p>苟利国家生死以 岂因祸福避趋之</p>




Name Type Default Description
children React.ReactElement required Content
className string|string[] undefined className of the container
style React.CSSProperties {} style of the container
transition number 0.2 Milliseconds of change


因为从height:0 到 height: auto; transition 是无效的,因为 transition 变化的起点跟终点必须是确定的。故希望有一个组件可以根据内部的大小动态伸缩,同时也有transition的效果。

Because the transition from height: 0 to height: Auto; is invalid, because the start and end of the transition change must be determined. Therefore, we hope that there is a component that can scale dynamically according to the internal size, and also has the effect of transition.