
Diggers solution of Mobile AI 2021 Real-Time Video Super-Resolution Challenge

Primary LanguagePython



Team "Diggers" solution to Mobile AI 2021 Real-Time Video Super-Resolution Challenge





  • Linux machine (you do not need to care about cuda version, only need NVIDIA graphics driver version greater than 418)
  • python 3.7 virtual env
  • pip install megengine -f https://megengine.org.cn/whl/mge.html
  • pip install -r requirements.txt

dataset preparation (REDS)

  • link: https://seungjunnah.github.io/Datasets/reds.html
  • after unzip it ,you need to merge the training and validation dataset(like mmediting), thus total 270(240+30) clip, and remaining 30 clip for test.
  • after merging, your dir should like this:
    • train
      • train_sharp
        • 000
        • ...
        • 240 (the first validation clip, thus clip 000 of validation)
        • ...
        • 269
      • train_sharp_bicubic
        • X4
          • 000
          • ...
          • 269
    • test
      • test_sharp_bicubic
        • X4
          • 000
          • ...
          • 269


  • find the config file: configs/restorers/BasicVSR/mai.py
  • change the first few lines according your situation:

  • start to run:
cd xxx/MAI-VSR-Diggers
python tools/train.py configs/restorers/BasicVSR/mai.py --gpuids 0,1,2,3 -d

support multi gpus training, change to yours, e.g. --gpuids 0 --gpuids 0,2 etc...

you can find output information and checkpoints in .workdirs/...

Testing (now only support REDS dataset)

our checkpoint

use our trained model (generator_module.mge), already inside this repo: ./ckpt/epoch_62 which is only 92kb

it has been trained 62 epochs on 240 clips, it's PSNR on validation dataset(3000 frames) is 27.98

test on valid dataset

find the config file: configs/restorers/BasicVSR/mai_test_valid.py

change first lines for your situation, actually you only need to fix the dataroot

dataroot = "/path2yours/REDS/train/train_sharp_bicubic"
load_path = './ckpt/epoch_62'
exp_name = 'mai_test_for_validation'
eval_part = tuple(map(str, range(240, 270)))

and then , run it:

cd xxx/MAI-VSR-Diggers
python  tools/test.py  configs/restorers/BasicVSR/mai_test_valid.py --gpuids 0 -d

you can find the results in ./workdirs/...

test on test dataset

find the config file: configs/restorers/BasicVSR/mai_test_test.py

change first lines for your situation, actually you only need to fix the dataroot

dataroot = "/path2yours/REDS/test/test_sharp_bicubic"
load_path = './ckpt/epoch_62'
exp_name = 'mai_test_for_test'
eval_part = None

and then , run it:

python  tools/test.py  configs/restorers/BasicVSR/mai_test_test.py --gpuids 0 -d

you can find the results in ./workdirs/...

notice: only support one gpu config for gpuids now

Results on testset

  • all output frames of test dataset produced by our model can be found here: (3000 frames, trained only on 240 training clips):


get the tflite model

Overall pipeline thinking

  • train the model by megengine framework(something like pytorch, tensorflow....)
  • definite same model by tensorflow (same size, same deal pipeline...)
  • load xxx.mge -> numpy.ndarray -> tf.keras.Model
  • convert the tf.keras.Model to tflite using tensorflow

one line to get .tflite


cd xxx/tflite/
python main.py  --mgepath  /xxxxxx/ckpt/epoch_62/generator_module.mge


cd xxx/tflite/
python main.py  --mgepath  /xxxxxx/ckpt/epoch_62/generator_module.mge  -n

notice that to use absolute path

you will get tflite files in the dir xxx/tflite/xxx

and we have supported our pre-built model.tflite and model_none.tflite in ckpt dir