Post memes to any of your Slack channels with a slash command.
/meme success; we have; a meme bot;
/meme templates
shows you the available built-in templates:
Use your own image by passing its URL as the template:
/meme; hello; my name is nicole;
Hone your meme skills privately until you get it just right:
/meme preview live; i'll write it; and we'll do it live;
Go to the Slack Web API page and scroll down to Authentication. If you haven't already, generate a token. This is your SLACK_API_TOKEN
Create a new Incoming Webhook. You can choose any channel; it doesn't matter.
The channel will be overridden on each request with the channel from which the request originated. After creating, you'll see
a Webhook URL field. This is your SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL
Create a new Slash Command. Call it /meme
. After creating, you'll see a Token field. This is your SLACK_SLASH_COMMAND_TOKEN
. Keep this page open, as you'll need to configure the Slash Command further after deploying your Heroku App.
values into the appropriate config variables.
Click Deploy for Free. Once finished, the Name field will now be populated if you didn't choose a name upfront.
Go back to your Slash Command configuration page, which you left open. Enter your app's URL, which is
, into the URL field. Replace name-of-app
with the name of your app. Configure it to send a GET
request to this URL. For example, here is my configuration page:
Save the Slash Command integration.
This uses memegen. Thanks memegen!