This is a test project for evaluating custom rules for Repolinter
(You'll need jq
installed for this bit, I was able to do this with brew install jq
If you want to lint all your org's repos locally, you can iterate over the list of repos and clone them using the following one-liner:
curl -s '' | jq .[].ssh_url | xargs -n 1 git clone
If you want to filter out forks and archived repositories, you can use this one-liner:
curl -s '' | jq '.[] | select(.archived == false) | .ssh_url' | xargs -n 1 git clone
I recommend doing this in a directory you use only for this purpose (I used ~/Working/
If you have many large repositories, that may have taken some time.
Before running repolinter, copy the repolint.json
file into the ~/Working/
directory (or your Home directory).
You can generate a report for each of the cloned repos by running the following one-liner from within your local copy of repolinter
echo >> results.txt;for i in ~/Working/*/;do node bin/repolinter.js "$i" >> results.txt; echo >> results.txt;done;cat results.txt
(Note, this assumes you've cloned everything into ~/Working/
like I did)
If you've put your code in ~/Code/, and you have a ~/Working/ directory for cloning, you can do this all in one line like this:
cd ~/Working/ ; rm -rf * ; curl -s '' | jq '.[] | select(.archived == false) | .ssh_url' | xargs -n 1 git clone ; cd ~/Code/repolinter/ ; echo > results.txt;for i in ~/Working/*/;do node bin/repolinter.js "$i" >> results.txt; echo >> results.txt;done;cat results.txt
I learned the curl one-liner from This Article by Kevin Simpler