
GitHub crawler

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

OSPO GHCrawler

GHCrawler is a service that systematically walks GitHub APIs and harvests data about a specified set of repos and orgs. The function here is the getting started infrastructure for running that system. The crawler can be configured to use a variety of different queuing (e.g., AMQP 1.0 and AMQP 0.9 compatible queues like Azure ServiceBus and Rabbit MQ, respectively) and storage technologies (e.g., Azure Blob and MongoDB). You can create your own infrastructure plugins to use different technologies.

Running in-memory

The easiest way try our the crawler is to run it in memory. You can get up and running in a couple minutes. This approach does not scale and is not persistent but it's dead simple.

Running Crawler In A Box (CIABatta)

For small to medium production systems you can run in Docker with Mongo and Rabbit using the Crawler-in-a-box (CIABatta) approach. This comes with a handy shell script for queuing up orgs and repos for harvesting as well as a dashboard for observing and controlling the crawler service.

This is an evolving solution and the steps for running will be simplified published, ready-to-use images on Docker Hub. For now, follow these steps

  1. Clone the Microsoft/ospo-ghcrawler and Microsoft/crawler-dashboard repos.
  2. In a command prompt, go to ospo-ghcrawler and run npm install
  3. In a command prompt, go to crawler-dashboard and run npm install
  4. Set environment variable CRAWLER_GITHUB_TOKENS to the tokens and traits you want to use. For example, export CRAWLER_GITHUB_TOKENS="<token1>#public;<token2>#admin".
  5. In a command prompt go to ospo-ghcrawler/docker and run “docker-compose up”.
  6. Once the containers are up and running, start the service crawling by going to Crawler Dashboard (http://localhost:4000). On the righthand side, change the crawler/count to 1 and click Update button. You should see some crawler related messages in the container output.
  7. Queue a GitHub organization or repo to be crawled using either docker exec docker_crawler_1 bake contcoso-d for an org or docker exec docker_crawler_1 bake contoso-d/angle for a specific repo.
  8. Check out the data in Metabase as it data flows in. Go to Metabase (http://localhost:5000)

By default the containers expose a number of endpoints at different ports on localhost. Note that if you have trouble starting the containers due to port conflicts, either shutdown your services using these ports or edit the docker/docker-compose.yml file to change the ports.

  • Crawler Dashboard (4000)
  • Crawler (3000)
  • MongoDB (27017 and 28017)
  • Redis (6379)
  • RabbitMQ (5672 and 15672)
  • Metabase (5000)

Updating the default Metabase configuration:

  1. Ensure you're starting from a completely clean container (docker-compose down && docker-compose up)
  2. Crawl a small org to populate Mongo so you have schema/sample data to work with
  3. Open metabase and configure the questions, dashboard, etc.
  4. REMEMBER: Any changes you make will be persisted
  5. Copy the Metabase database to the docker/metabase folder in the repository: docker cp docker_metabase_1:/var/opt/metabase/dockercrawler.db.mv.db .

Working with the code


npm install

Unit test

npm test

Integration test

npm run integration


node ./bin/www.js

Configuring and controlling the crawler

Reconfigure crawling

curl -i -H "X-token: test1" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH -d '[{ "op": "replace", "path": "/crawler/count", "value": 1 }, { "op": "replace", "path": "/crawler/orgList", "value": ["contoso-d"] }, { "op": "replace", "path": "/queuing/credit", "value": 10 }]' http://localhost:3000/config

Add to Queue

curl -i -H "X-token: test1" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"type": "org", "url": "https://api.github.com/orgs/contoso-d", "policy": "reprocessAndDiscover"}' http://localhost:3000/requests


  "NODE_ENV": "localhost",
  "CRAWLER_MODE": "Standard",
  "CRAWLER_OPTIONS_PROVIDER": ["defaults" | "memory" | "redis"],
  "CRAWLER_ORGS_FILE": "../orgs",
  "CRAWLER_REDIS_URL": "peoplesvc-dev.redis.cache.windows.net",
  "CRAWLER_AMQP10_URL": "amqps://RootManageSharedAccessKey:[SECRET]@ghcrawlerdev.servicebus.windows.net",
  "CRAWLER_QUEUE_PREFIX": "ghcrawlerdev",
  "CRAWLER_STORAGE_NAME": "ghcrawlerdev",
  "CRAWLER_STORAGE_ACCOUNT": "ghcrawlerdev",


  1. Pre-configure Metabase
  2. Data persistence
  3. Create separate docker-compose for general usage vs development
  • Development should use local source code and enable Node debugging
  • Both should allow end to end crawling with a single command (e.g. crawl orgName githubToken)
  1. Publish images for Crawler Dashboard and Crawler to Docker Hub