Welcome to Wishology, an app for creating a christmas wishlist and adding products to it! Users can log in and get a secured experience for creating a wishlist, and then they can search through the products that are available through access to a 3-rd party API, select what they like, and add any of the products to user-created wishlist(s). Future functionality will allow users to send their wishlists to friends and family through email, invite others to join the app and start their own wishlists, and connect to each other to establish gift exchange groups.

User Flow(s): A screenshot of your app’s landing page and the core features in your app.

User Dashboard Page Alt text

User Wishlist Page Alt text

User Shopping Cart Page Alt text

User Dashboard with search bar visible for product searching by keyword Alt text

All Available API Products Alt text

Technologies Used:

Javascript, React, HTML, CSS, Github, Netlify, Auth0 Authentication, https://dummyjson.com API. Perplexity, OpenAI(ChatGPT), Google, MDN, W3Schools, Stack Overflow, GA Instructors for all their help, and of course my fellow dev students in the cohort!

Getting Started:

Trello Board URL: https://trello.com/b/XiLtAFrK/joyful-jingles-christmas-wishlist

Deployed NETLIFY URL: https://main--jolly-boba-94db3b.netlify.app/

The deployment build was successful after making several adjustments to my code and file structure in order for netlify to successfully build and deploy the app. However, so far all attempts to render the app webpage has failed. Console logs show that the splash page file (App.jsx) is being read by netlify, however the return function within the App.jsx file is seemingly not being executed. Troubleshooting is ongoing.

Lots of plans for future developments to enhance the project.

  • Upgrade the scope of the project from just a Christmas Wishlist, to a wishlist and gift registry for any and every occasion!
  • Notify the user if a gift in their wishlist was bought for them, and automatically adjust the state of that gift in the database from wanted to purchased.
  • Add full MERN stack functionality with a database backend.
  • Add friend functionality -> search people, request friends, accept or decline friends
  • Add chat functionality
  • Switch to a more robust product API that can provide a wider variety of products to the user.
  • Implement groups so that users can join gifting groups
  • implement automated randomization for 'Secret Santa' gift exchanges

VERY SPECIAL expression of gratitude to my instructors for allowing me this resubmit!