
Dystributed system that allows interaction between students and professors, through sending and recieving messages and forming groups

Primary LanguageJava


Dystributed system that allows interaction between students and professors, through sending and recieving messages and forming groups

Final project of the subject ICD (Infraestruturas Computacionais Distribuídas)

Licenciatura Engenharia Informática e Multimédia - ISEL

  • Application for sending and receiving instant messages (chats), to facilitate communication in the curricular units running in a school, assuming that both users (students and teachers) use individual equipment (mobile or fixed) to access the local network.

  • XML is used as the communication medium between the server and its clients. The data storage will be done using XML files, using java tools to write and and read these documents. XSD will be used to validate the existing data and XML communications.

  • For the communication between server and client sockets will be used and for the transport layer the TCP protocol will be used due to its fidelity.

In the first project a graphical interface was developed for the different user functionalities, using java swing.

In the second project a Web application was developed that is able to transmit and receive information from a user to a server, over the Internet. In order to generate dynamic web pages capable of interpreting and displaying the received messages visually appealing to the user, JavaServer Pages and client-side technologies technologies (Javascript and CSS) were used.