
Adds validation and feedback for structured form input groups, compatible with bootstrap form input groups

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Adds validation and statuses to structured form groups, compatible with Bootstrap form inputs.


install with bower bower install jquery.input-group

or npm npm install jquery.input-group

jquery.input-group needs a certain html structure minimally as follows


jquery.input-group adds feedback classes and messages to this structure.

<group class="feedback-class feedback-type-class">
        <feedback>feedback message</feedback>

Within this basic outline jquery.input-group aims to be as flexible as possible, allowing a wide range of structures, and is designed to work with Bootstrap form groups

<!-- twitter bootstrap form group example -->
<div class="form-group">
    <label for="inputEmail3" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Email</label>
    <div class="col-sm-10">
        <input type="text"

here is an example of the previous bootstrap form group with jquery.input-group's default error markup applied

<div class="form-group has-feedback has-error">
    <label for="inputEmail3" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Email</label>
    <div class="col-sm-10">
        <input type="text"
        <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove form-control-feedback" aria-hidden="true">
        <span class="help-block">error message</span>

##inputGroup error, warning, or success markup and feedback message will be applied.

    error: 'error message'

    warning: 'warning message'

    warning: 'warning message'

//if an array is passed, the message will be rendered as an unordered list.
    error: ['message A', 'message B']

inputGroup may be applied to more than one form group at once. If this is the case, then you may apply error, warning, or success markup as follows.

    error: { foo: 'error message for input group with input named "foo"' },
    success: { bar: 'success message for input group with input named "bar"' }

You may also format your statuses like this.

    foo: { error: 'error message for "foo" input' },
    bar: { success: 'success message for "bar" input' }

You may apply a status to a form group and omit a feedback message, by passing null for the message value.

    success: null
    success: { foo: null, bar: null }

###validate inputGroup also takes a validate callback that will apply statuses on input blur

    validate: function (values, $blurredElement) {
        //validate should return a status object following the same format
        //detailed in the preceeding examples.
        if(!values.foo) {
            return { error: { foo: 'required' } };
        else {
            return { success: { foo: null } };

###progressiveValidate inputGroup also takes a progressiveValidate` callaback that will apply statuses on input blur. Statuses will be applied progessively as a user works their way through a form. Inputs that occur after the blurred input will not be validated.

    progressiveValidate: function (values, $blurredElement) {
        //progressiveValidate should return a status object following the same format
        //detailed in the preceeding examples.
        if(!values.foo) {
            return { error: { foo: 'required' } };
        else {
            return { success: { foo: null } };

##inputGroupClear clears the select input groups of statuses


##inputGroupValues gets the values of named inputs of selected form groups. inputGroupValues is used by the validate callback to pass validate its values. Radio input groups return the value of checked radio inputs. Checkbox input groups returns an array of values of the values of checked checkboxes.


##inputGroupConfig jquery.input-group applies status markup compatible with bootstrap by default. you may override this markup with your own custom markup.

    classes: {
        feedback: 'custom-feedback',
        error: 'custom-error',
        warning: 'custom-warning',
        success: 'custom-success'

    icons: {
        error: '<div class="custom-error-icon">',
        warning: '<div class="custom-warning-icon">',
        success: '<div class="custom-success-icon">'

    feedback: {
        error: '<div class="custom-error-feedback">',
        warning: '<div class="custom-warning-feedback">',
        success: '<div class="custom-success-feedback">'