
Example project with easy setup to write toolbox plugins. Also a collection of toolbox plugins.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

GWToolbox++ Plugins

$${\color{red}For \space an \space official \space GWToolbox \space plugin, \space check \space the \space gwdevhub/gwtoolboxpp \space repository.}$$

$${\color{red}This \space repository \space is \space merely \space allow \space people \space to \space set \space up \space their \space own \space plugins \space in \space a \space convenient \space fashion.}$$

$${\color{red}Do \space not \space file \space any \space complaints \space or \space refer \space to \space this, \space use \space it \space at \space your \space own \space discretion.}$$

A set of plugins for the popular Guild Wars 1 tool "GWToolbox"

If you don't know what GWToolbox is, see https://gwtoolbox.com

How to download, build, and run


  1. Open Git Bash. Use all the following commands in Git Bash.

  2. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/DubbleClick/ToolboxPlugins.git

  3. Navigate to the ToolboxPlugins folder: cd ToolboxPlugins

  4. Build: cmake -B build

  5. Open: cmake --open build

  6. Build the solution.

  7. Copy the resulting dlls in bin/Debug or bin/Release to your GWToolbox plugin folder. Default is %USERPROFILE%/GWToolboxpp/<ComputerName>/plugins