As of right now there are only 3 pokemon displayed on the static mockup.html and none of the buttons are functioning. Implement the following functionality:
- Build out server to serve the front end.
- Create a script for starting the server and for webpack. Run both.
- Refactor your client to dynamically render from your React files.
- You will know if you have done this correctly if you see bulbasaur, ivysaur, venasaur.
- Using mongoDB, build out the back-end (establish connection, seed from pokemon.json)
- Create a GET route to display all the pokemon in 'pokemon.json' on the page
- Filter the displayed pokemon to match the type selected in the dropdown menu
- Re-display all the pokemon on the page when 'Show All' is clicked
On click of the pokemon's name, enable editing through an input field. On 'submit', your component should re-render so the updated name is displayed.
Create a delete button to delete a pokemon. On click of the delete button, the pokemon should be removed from the page.
Lastly, implement the 'Insert' button so you can add a pokemon to the list.