is a minimalistic, adaptive HTML template for a personal website. Demo:

This basic template is mobile-friendly and works well across devices of all sizes. It has thus far been largely used for academically-inclined personal websites, but can easily be adapted for other uses.

Quick Start

To get started, choose one of the two following options:

  1. Download the file
  2. Clone the git repo -- git clone

Either option will give you all the required files.

Main Contents

  1. index.html The landing page.
  2. generic.html A generic page containing various paragraph and list styles.
  3. generic2.html A second generic page for time-organized data. In the template, this page is used in the context of teaching. Other use-cases include listing publications.


Creative input is always welcome! If you have any design ideas for improving the theme or would like to contribute to its development, feel free to submit a PR or send me an email at malayandi AT berkeley DOT edu