
Primary LanguagePython

RACE: Retrieval-Augmented Commit Message Generation

The architecture Model

We propose a novel model RACE, which retrieves a similar commit message as an exemplar, guides the neural model to learn the content of the code diff and the intent behind the code diff, and generates the readable and informative commit message. Specifically, our model includes two modules: retrieval module and generation module. Specifically, RACE firstly retrieves the most semantically similar code diff paired with the commit message from the large parallel training corpus. The semantic similarity between two code diffs is measured by the cosine similarity of vectors obtained by a code diff encoder. Next, RACE treats the retrieved commit message as an example and uses it to guide the neural network to generate an understandable and concise commit message.



conda create -n RACE python=3.6 -y
conda activate RACE
pip install torch==1.10 transformers==4.12.5 tqdm==4.64.1 prettytable==2.5.0 gdown==4.5.1 more-itertools==8.14.0 tensorboardX==2.5.1 setuptools==59.5.0  tensorboard==2.10.1


The dataset MCMD has five programming languages (PL): Java, C#, Cpp, Python and JavaScript. The dataset can be downloaded here. More info about MCMD can be found here. We use the filtered dataset in our work.

Statistics of dataset

language Training Valid Test
Java 160,018 19,825 20,159
C# 149,907 18,688 18,702
Cpp 160,948 20,000 20,141
Python 206,777 25,912 25,837
JavaScript 3197,529 24,899 24,773

Use the following commands to download and unzip the downloaded dataset.

wget https://zenodo.org/record/7196966/files/dataset.tar.gz
tar zxvf dataset.tar.gz

It will take about 1 min.

  • The orginal data is saved in dataset/java/.
  • The processed data is saved in dataset/java/contextual_medits/.
  • The retrievae data is saved in dataset/java/contextual_medits/codet5_retrieval_result.


bash run.sh $language 


python evaluate.py  --refs_filename  [The path of the reference file] --preds_filename [The path of the predicted file]

For example,

python evaluate.py  --refs_filename results/${lang}/test.gold  --preds_filename   results/${lang}/test.pred


BLEU:    25.66
Meteor:  15.46
Rouge-L: 32.02
Cider:   1.76


Language Result Dir
Java results/java/test.pred
C# results/csharp/test.pred
Cpp results/cpp/test.pred
Python results/python/test.pred
JavaScript results/javascript/test.pred