This project is a Pytorch implementation of HED algorithm(Holistically-Nested Edge Detection) for document detection. The features are summarized blow:
- It is pure Pytorch code.
- It can automatically generate training samples to train the HED.
Some examples are shown bellow.
- Similar colors of the document and background:
- The results are better when there is a clear distinction between foreground and background:
- python3
- Any version of Pytorch version > 1.0 should be ok
Downloaded the trained model:
- Baidu Cloud Disk: Download Password:
and put it in ./savecheckpoint
python --testImgPath=./demo \
--saveOutPath=./demoout \
--checkpointPath=./savecheckpoint/58000_net.pkl \
The result edge image will be then written to the saveOutPath path.
We have implemented two training methods to train HED document detection.
- Train without annotated data
- Train with annotated data
This implementation of HED document detection can be trained without any annotated data, except a set of foreground images and a set of background images
Put the foreground images to ./DATASET/source_image/foreground_images/
Put the background images to ./DATASET/source_image/background_images/
Some validation images should be provided in ./DATASET/dataset/testData/
python --fgpath=./DATASET/source_image/foreground_images/ \
--bgpath=./DATASET/source_image/background_images/ \
--test_data_dir=./DATASET/dataset/testData/ \
--SaveCheckpointPath= ./saveModelTrainedOnline \
--SaveOutImgPath=./saveImgTrainedOnline \
- To train the model with your dataset, just provide the dataset by a .CSV file which include the image and the groundtruth pairs, see HED_Dataset.csv for an example. We provide a script for geting the .csv file ./tools/
- Annotated images for training HED model are difficult to obtain. A script to generate training samples is provided, see ./tools/ for more details. An example of a pair of image and the groundtruth is shown bellow:
python --train_csv_file=./DATASET/dataset/HED_Dataset.csv \
--test_data_dir=./DATASET/dataset/testData \
--rootdir=./DATASET/dataset/ \
--SaveCheckpointPath= ./saveModelTrainedOnline \
--SaveOutImgPath=./saveImgTrainedOnline \