
Arduino Firmware for Spherebot / Eggbot integration in Inkscape

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Arduino Firmware for Eggbot / Spherebot with Inkscape-Integration

Version 1.6a tested with Inkscape Portable 0.91, Eggbot Extension and patched eggbot.py

Regards: Eggduino-Firmware by Joachim Cerny, 2015

Thanks for the nice libs ACCELSTEPPER and SERIALCOMMAND, which made this project much easier. Thanks to the Eggbot-Team for such a funny and enjoyable concept! Thanks to my wife and my daughter for their patience. :-)


  • Implemented Eggbot-Protocol-Version 2.1.0
  • Turn-on homing: switch-on position of pen will be taken as reference point.
  • No collision-detection!!
  • Supported Servos: At least one type ;-) I use Arduino Servo-Lib with TG9e- standard servo.
  • Full Arduino-Compatible. I used an Arduino Uno
  • Button-support (3 buttons)

Tested and fully functional with Inkscape.


  • Upload Eggduino.ino with Arduino-IDE or similar tool to your Arudino (i.e. Uno)

  • Install Inkscape Tools wit Eggbot extension. Detailed instructions: (You yust need to complete Steps 1 and 2) http://wiki.evilmadscientist.com/Installing_software tested with https://github.com/evil-mad/EggBot/releases/tag/2.7.1

  • to get it run with the uno you have to edit the file: ebb_serial.py in the extension folder:

    in the function findPort you change the line: if port[1].startswith("EiBotBoard"):
    to if port[1].startswith("USB2.0-Serial"):

    just change the String keep all blanks.

    in the function testPort you change the line

    serialPort = serial.Serial( comPort, timeout=1.0 ) # 1 second timeout! to serialPort = serial.Serial( comPort, baudrate=9600 ,timeout=1.0 ) # 1 second timeout!