
Nice pokemon rip-off

Primary LanguageC#

##Duck: The Rip Offering This game is a turn based RPG, kind of like Pokemon, but in no way is it associated with it or Nintendo.

######The Game itself The idea of the game is, just as in Pokemon, to capture monsters, train them, and ultimately defeat the strongest guy in the region.


  • To install the game you should first go and download any program which can host a database. (WAMP, XAMPP, MySQL Server, etc)
  • When the installation is complete open up either the XAMPP Control Panel and start both Apache and MySql, or right click on the WAMP icon and enable all services.
  • Open your preffered browser and go to the following address: localhost/phpmyadmin
  • Create a new table called ripoff, you can give this a custom name, but you'll have to alter a few more settings
  • Click on the Import tab, click the Browse... button and navigate to the .sql file which came with the zip you can find at releases.
  • Download and install the OpenAL Windows Installer
  • Now you can go and launch the game. Make sure your program is running and MySQL is running.
  • Since this is the first time you're launching the game you should go and create a new account.
  • This is done by simply entering a username and password in the fields, clicking on register, choosing a gender and clicking on the Yes button when prompted.
  • If you changed any data regarding the database (different table name) you need to alter the database data which is done by clicking on Settings and navigating to the database tab. Server Name is the name of the server, or the ip to it. Database Name is the table name, and username and password are the user and password you use to get inside phpmyadmin.
  • You have now succesfully installed the game. To continue with your progress just login with the same username and password.

######Building Just download the entire project and start it up with Visual Studio 2015, older versions won't work. Set SandBox as your startup project and build the solution. It should work just fine after that