
A very basic bindless rendering setup with DirectX 12 & SM 6.6

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

DirectX12 - Basic Bindless Rendering

Sometimes Computer Graphics seems like black magic. There are a few tutorials for fundamentals but often I find myself longing for very basic projects to analyze and eventually grasp the underlying concepts of more advanced rendering techniques.

This project aims to provide such a basic project to showcases how to achieve bindless rendering with DirectX 12 and Shader Model 6.6.

Bindless rendering refers to a technique with which we can directly access descriptors in a shader via an index into global descriptor heaps (ResourceDescriptorHeap or SamplerDescriptorHeap).

This vastly simplifies descriptor and pipeline state management:

  • No need to bind Resource Views ( aka descriptors, e.g. constant buffer views, shader resource views, ... )
  • No need to manage root signature permutations.
  • No need to manage Vertex Layouts. Vertex attributes are directly accessed by indexing into a bindless SRV via VertexID. All we need to do is set the Index Buffer.
cbuffer PerDrawConstants : register(b0, space0)
    uint32 pos_buffer_index;

VSOutput Main(uint vertex_id : SV_VertexID)
    StructuredBuffer<float4> pos_buffer = ResourceDescriptorHeap[pos_buffer_index];
    float4 pos = pos_buffer[vertex_id];

    // ...

If you just want to explore how bindless rendering works, I encourage you to check out the following files: Source/Renderer.cpp and Source/Shaders/bindless_vs.hlsl.


The code inside this repository was only written for learning purposes. I never really tried to make it beautiful, easy to read, performant or 100% correct. In the end, all I wanted to do is to explore the API. Now I share my code so other people doing the same may be inspired by my journey.


  • Windows 11 (may also work with Windows 10 though)
  • A modern GPU (tested on RTX 3060 ti)
  • Visual Studio 2022
  • Windows SDK (tested with 10.0.226201.0, installed via VS2022)

How To Build

  • Execute GenerateProjectFiles.bat. This will invoke Premake5 to generate a solution for VS2022.
    • The DirectX12 Agility SDK will be automatically fetched via Nuget.
  • Open the generated solution (BasicBindless.sln)
  • Build and run the BasicBindless project in your desired configuration, e.g. Debug or Release.


  • WASD - Move forward / left / backward / right
  • Space - Move up
  • Ctrl - Move down
  • Hold right click - Change view direction


Further Resources