Cirquesque's side material.

Side material for Cirquesque

Recommended themes: Sepia for book about creatures.
Other than that, black for ease on the eyes.

And no, I didn't add emojii to the headers. Gitbook's the one adding them.


16/10/17: Players have found something, and received the wooden diaries, which still aren't fully finished.

22/12/17: Made a few small corrections and tweaked the summary (The sidebar when reading books) in preparation for adding new content.

27/12/17: I wave off the year with new content.

2/1/18: Restored the short stories, which I apparently removed from the summary at some point, in a more user-friendly format.

13/1/18: Added one more story. And realizing that I didn't do this before, the new material is:

25/2/18: Added a catalogue of food Leaf has found so far.

19/05/18: Added several books from Landy's library:

04/09/19: Somehow I forgot to get done with these almost finished stories… about six or seven months ago. In my defense, life’s been shaky!