
Primary Languagemcfunction

How To Make Things Happen:

  • Dialogue:
  1. Give villager a nametag
  2. To load.mcfunction (Once):
scoreboard objectives add ClickVillager minecraft.custom:minecraft.talked_to_villager
scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar ClickVillager

To main.mcfunction (Per villager):

execute as @a[scores={ClickVillager=1..}] at @s if entity @e[type=villager,limit=1,sort=nearest,name=[NAME],distance=..5] run function camchat:[NAME]/init

Replacing the name as appropriate. Create data/camchat/functions/[NAME]/init.mcfunction to start their interaction.

TODO: Use biome-specific scripts to reduce the amount of ifs; Only check if the player is talking with an NPC in the current biome

  • Biome predicates:

/execute if predicate camchat:biome/[dimension]/[biome] as @a at @a run w @a asd

  • Check for mob kills:

Create loottable in camchat/loot_tables/[LOOTTABLE] with

  "type": "minecraft:entity",
  "pools": [
      "rolls": 1,
      "entries": [
          "type": "minecraft:item",
          "name": "structure_block",
          "functions": [
              "function": "minecraft:set_nbt",
              "tag": "{mob_death_marker:1b,dead_mob:\"zombie\"}"

Add to main.mcfunction:

execute as @e[type=item,nbt={Item:{tag:{mob_death_marker:1b}}}] run tellraw @a ["a ",{"nbt":"Item.tag.dead_mob","entity":"@s"}," has died."]
kill @e[type=item,nbt={Item:{tag:{mob_death_marker:1b}}}]

TODO: Also split in biomes

TODO:Armor stands can detonate crossbow fireworks early. Use for shotgun?

High enough of some stat could allow people to crawl out chimneys?

fill -144 -54 375 -136 -60 375 minecraft:air replace minecraft:oak_fence

execute if predicate camchat:fly at @s run effect give @a minecraft:levitation 1 execute as @a[nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:ender_pearl",Count:1b,tag:{impedingdoom:1b}}}] at @s run effect give @a[distance=..10] minecraft:blindness 1 1 true execute as @a[predicate=camchat:fly] at @s run effect give @s minecraft:levitation 1 255

execute as @a[nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:carrot_on_a_stick",Count:1b}}] at @s run effect give @s minecraft:levitation 1 255 ç

execute as @a[nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:carrot_on_a_stick",Count:1b}}] at @s run function magic:spell/fly