
Custom plugins for (my) Sopel bot.

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


These are some Sopel plugins I've written. While custom.py is very, very specific to my chat, the rest are pretty generic and a great addition to any IRC channel.

Just a standard, run-of-the-mill magic 8-ball. Never lies.

Posts random animal pics from several different APIs.

Query NASA API for APOD info.

Encode or decode base64 data.

Allows users to make and gamble away virtual currency.

Perform various colorizations on input text.


Custom commands for Action Sack's Sopel bot. Many of these are highly inappropriate.

Uses the icanhazdadjoke API to post dad jokes.

Some custom stuff for Deep Rock Galactic.

Pulls basic grid status from ERCOT.

Gets details from Hacker News API for HN links.

Image searching with DuckDuckGo Instant Answers API and Google CSE.

Uses the Evil Insult Generator to insult other users.

Uses the Open Library Books API to look up a book via ISBN.

Queries the whenisthenextmcufilm API for upcoming MCU movie and show info.

Reads nitter links and sends data to sopel-twitter for pretty output.

RNG of NSFW things.

Queries OSRS HiScores for player stats.

100% accurate penis measuring.

Adds some random APIs for fun.

Users can increase or decrease each others' reputation.

Adds Smite's VGS to Sopel.

Uses PlexAPI to interface your Sopel bot with your Plex server.

Uses the Steam Web API and some jank to get Steam store links and player counts.

Uses Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Thesaurus API to query synonyms and antonyms.

Check status info on some trackers.

Check domain availability. Uses WhoisXML API.

Posts a random joke from yourmom.txt.

Stop spelling y'all wrong.

Uses the unofficial Yahoo Finance API for things.

Uses youtube-dl to download and share a video. Would require editing to be useful to anyone else.