
non-systemd controllers for dbus-broker

Primary LanguageC


non-systemd controllers for dbus-broker


dummy controller for dbus-broker

Provides a way lo launch dbus-broker without the requirement of any specific init system running. This means that dbus activation is disabled and service dependencies must be taken care of explicitly in other ways.

Build the broker with -Dlauncher=false.

Controller+broker are a replacement for the original dbus-daemon implementation, and are capable of running both system and session buses.

This is also a starting point to explore the feasibility of a runit/s6 controller.


Build with meson -Ds6=enabled build.

Usage: dbus-controller-s6 -h.

The s6 controller looks in a s6 scandir for services containing the file data/dbus-activatable-name with a dbus activatable name provided by the service. It issues s6-svc -u <service> when it receives an activation request.

Such dbus activatable services can be autogenerated by tools/s6-generator. It is typically invoked as:

./s6-generator /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/*
./s6-generator /usr/share/dbus-1/services/*

for the system and session bus, respectively.

You are free to further tweak this scandir as you like, for example removing unwanted activatable services.