
Portable configuration files and utility scripts for Linux and OpenBSD

Primary LanguageShell


This repository contains my dotfiles, runit services and small scripts. Many scripts are inspired by or copied from leah2.


$ ./install.sh
# ./install-root.sh


  • extarce - trace exec() calls system-wide
  • lr - list files, recursively
  • snooze - run a command at a particular time
  • xe - simple xargs and apply replacement
  • dmenu
  • dwm
  • st


  • colors - terminal color and attribute escape sequences
  • cppgrep - grep in C/C++ headers
  • diffed [-CHT] [-pN] [-s SUBST -r REPL] [-x EXCLUDE] - filter for unified diffs
  • dmoji - dmenu based emoji picker
  • errstr errno... - print error string
  • fzpsgrep [pattern] - psgrep with fzy selection
  • git merge-pr [PRNUM][@REMOTE] [GIT-AM FLAGS...] - list or apply GitHub pull request from command-line
  • grurls - substitute and group urls
  • h - print the current paths vcs root or home
  • hex2rgb [hex ...] - converts hex colors to rgb
  • ix FILES... - paste to ix.io
  • jour [-d YYYY.MM.DD] [ls|read|write] - simple text journal
  • nginx-here [DIR] [PORT] - serve current directory (or DIR) on PORT (or 8080)
  • oomtop - lists processes by oom score
  • psgrep [pattern] - ps for matching processes
  • rgb2hex red green blue - converts rgb to hex colors
  • s [-w sec] [cmd] [service...] - runit service helper
  • sprunge FILES... - paste to sprunge.us
  • ssh-copy-term - copy terminfo via ssh
  • swaptop - show most swap-using processes
  • timer [hh:mm[:ss]]... [[0-9]*[h|m|s]]... -- prog [args...]
  • tmux-signal pid [signal] - send signal to running processes in pids session
  • tmux-urls - get a list of all visible urls
  • twoman CMD... - show comments at the beginning of a script
  • unpatch [-pN] FILES... - re-generate patch from files and their .orig version
  • venv - small POSIX shell script for python virtualenv
  • yiff - colored diff