
Webpage for searching Latinitas Recens, the lexicon of New Latin compiled by Florus

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Latinitas Recens



Latinitas Recens is a lexicon of Neo-Latin (New Latin) vocabulary compiled by a mysterious scholar named Florus, with translations in Italian and English. It has been preserved on the Wayback Machine and incorporated into Numen (which makes it a lot more useful), but I figured there would be no harm in my hosting it myself as well.

Aside from removing line-breaks and correcting some typos, I have kept the 2217 data records as they are in Florus’ version. For explanations of the abbreviations in the lexicon, see the Numen link.

I came across Latinitas Recens while compiling my own Latin lexicon, velut. My dictionary covers all eras of Latin (except perhaps the earliest Latin), but is very incomplete. I’m continuing to add to it, but slowly and with a bias towards the classical period.

Latinitas Recens will remain a better resource than velut if you’re wanting a lot more New Latin words and phrases (obviously), as well as dictionary citations and Italian translations.


This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app. The site is all server-side–rendered, hosted on Netlify. Ideally the site would have no client-side JavaScript whatsoever, but that’s not yet possible with Next.js.

It happens to be the first time I’ve ever used the <dfn> and <mark> HTML tags, as well as my first TypeScript project on GitHub.

To clone this repo and run a development server at http://localhost:3000, the commands are:

git clone https://github.com/DuncanRitchie/latinitas-recens
cd latinitas-recens
npm i
npm run dev