
repo for Hacktoberfest contributions

Primary LanguageVisual Basic .NET

Project Boilerplate

This is a boilerplate for a project. It is a good starting point for a new project, can apply for any project, good better for JS.
workflow status MIT License contributions welcome


  • Eslint: Statically analyzes your code to quickly find problems
  • Prettier: Sormats your code to be more readable
  • Commitlint: Analyzes your commit messages to make sure they are correct. Read more rule in Rule Commit
  • Github Actions: Runs tests lastly before pushing to Github
  • Husky: Runs linting, tests, and code formatting before each commit
  • lint-staged: Runs linting and tests on staged files
  • commitizen: Help you to create a correct commit message
  • cz-conventional-changelog: Generates a changelog based on the changes in your working directory
  • standard-version: Auto generate release changelog
  • gitattributes: Handle line endings automatically for files detected

Workflow for managing releases

  1. Create your features and run git add .
  2. Run npm run lint to check your code and format it
  3. Execute the npm run commit in the command line to make a commit with Commitizen
  4. Run npm run release to create a changelog and a semantic versioning-based release