
A solo challenge for students to complete during Week 3 of FE Module 1

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Will Andy Pick Me?

FE1 Solo Challenge


The Magic 8 Ball had a place in Toy Story movies 1-3. Most famously, Sheriff Woody asked the Magic 8 Ball "Will Andy pick me?", and the answer was "Don't count on it". More on the Magic 8 Ball in Toy Story can be found here.

Sheriff Woody reaching down to a Magic 8 Ball


This Solo Challenge gives students and instructors the opportunity to get a pulse on where you are with the foundational concepts of Module 1 curriculum.

  • Students should use this as an opportunity to challenge themselves and work completely independently. Google can (and probably should!) be used, but peers or mentors should not be consulted and any other code base should not be referenced.
  • Instructors will be able to use your work, both completion of functionality and code quality, to determine where you stand and if you are behind for this point in the module, provide supports to intervene.


  • Fork this repo to your account
  • Clone your copy of the repo down to your machine
  • Read this README thoroughly, then begin working!


At or before noon, push your code to a GitHub repository and deploy to GH pages. Complete this submission form to share your work with us.


Commit at the end of each iteration (if not more frequently) so we can see the timestamps of your work.

Iteration 0: Build Out Comp

  • Images of comp below
  • An assets directory is provided in the repo, and colors are provided in the CSS file
  • Do not spend time making this page responsive

Iteration 1: Add Random Message Functionality

  • When a user types in a question then clicks the "Get your answer" button, the use sees their question and a random answer from the list of possible answers (a list of the possible random answers is provided below)
  • The input field the user typed the question into should clear as soon as they click the "Get your answer" button
  • When the question and answer appear, the image of the 8 ball disappears

Iteration 2: Clear Functionality, error checking

  • The user can also click a clear button, which clears the page of any message. User should only be able to click the clear button if a question/answer are visible. When the clear button is clicked and the question/answer are removed, the image of the 8 ball should re-appear.
  • User should not be able to ask for an answer unless they have typed something into the question box.

Iteration 3: Level Up

  • NOTE: You should absolutely not be working on this unless your UI is perfect and you are 100% sure that all of Iterations 1-2 are fully functional and bug free.
  • Once user clicks and sees an answer, they can click a "favorite" button. That question and its answer should then be on a list of favorited question/answer pairs
  • The user can favorite as many or as few question/answer pairs as they like
  • When the user refreshes the page, all favorites will be gone
  • No guidance is provided for the layout of this; use your best judgement and work to keep it consistent with the look and feel of what you built in Iteration 1!

Possible Answers

  • It is certain.
  • It is decidedly so.
  • Without a doubt.
  • Yes - definitely.
  • You may rely on it.
  • As I see it, yes.
  • Most likely.
  • Outlook good.
  • Yes.
  • Signs point to yes.
  • Reply hazy, try again.
  • Ask again later.
  • Better not tell you now.
  • Cannot predict now.
  • Concentrate and ask again.
  • Don't count on it.
  • My reply is no.
  • My sources say no.
  • Outlook not so good.
  • Very doubtful.


Zero state

After a user has requested an answer